Dude, I think you're trying too hard to get attention.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Yeah, im pretty sure everyone thought it was a boring and bad game.
Its actually exciting and fun to skype n' play together with your friends
I can confirm that, since i was very reluctant to buy it at first (played Classic, was amused but not impressed by it). Needless to say, i don't regret my final decision. :U

Also, recently my suspicions were confirmed.

big image

Nether is evil. My portal spawned directly in the path of a raging torrent of lava. Fortunately, i got out of the way before it touched down, but removing all that lava wasn't exactly easy.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by yura101 View Post
thoughts on the aether mod?

Less than what I was expecting. Dungeons are fun the first time you go through them, but the replay value is almost nonexistant. Playing around with gravitate weapons is fun, but again it gets boring quickly. It will probably be much better once it's SMP compatible though.
Originally Posted by DooomByte View Post
I heard this game was awesome but i havent played it yet.

Correct you are, you should def buy it. Proberly a game you will spend the most time on.
for a little while haha and then wait until they do the full release.. but it wipl still get updates... lol
It's funny how people keep comparing Minecraft with everything related to sandbox games, "it looks like <insert lame comment here>".