My activity is dropping a bit cause of my exam-period, combined with me being sick.
If you're wondering: pneumonia.
It's only in the early stage, and it's only in one of my lungs. Started with penicillin already, so it shouldn't take that long untill I'm healthy again.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Get better soon tap. Being sick sucks, but i'm sure you'd agree with me there.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
lol S3D sounds awesome
Lets see if we can decipher his message!

"go kill yourself, i know you want to, just do it i know you want to, stickicide... DO IT!"

there you go
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Yess, finally on my main computer.

Beast it is now, can run crysis 2 1920x1080 at max graphics with hardly no lag at all in the most active scenes.
;3 Dwarf Fortress is a god-ish game, no computer can run it at the maximum potential.
It will swallow the world as a whole when it's released.
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by Serithi View Post
Impressive, but...

Can it run Dwarf Fortress?

Too high-spec for my computer, unfortunately. I'm building towards it though.