However, her persistence is colossal.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Hello People, Well first of all, I wanna commend the work of you in clan Colon 3, you guys did pretty Well here, and Its pretty hard to start an application to yu, I'm nervous.

Well, I will something somethings about my real life, who I am, what I do etc. etc.

Hi ! I'm Lucas/Razor, In this monday I did 16 years, borned on 04/18/1995, in Sao Paulo - Brazil. I actually study on a private school in Cotia (a city in Sao Paulo), I'm in second year of High school, I'm not a dumb, I study a lot, I went pretty well on first bimester, and I want to continue the same guy related to school ever. I have a girlfriend named Fernand study in the same class as me, I date her since last year, we are happy together.

Well I think thats all I have to know about my real life...

Now, I want you too know EVERYTHING About me on Toribash.

My first name that I used in Toribash was LuKazZs registered 22 of march 2010 (Made an year YAY), that turned into Lemon and now Razor, I had alot of problems in toribash, as clans problems, to trolling problems, but now I think I'm getting more respected in the whole toribash community, ok...all started with my first clan, Anarchy, enemies of Piratez and well I got "kinda" in trouble, cause I'm Grayve's friend and he was leader, obviously I quit from Anarchy, than comes Oblivion, Fallen Angels (the last DSC that I entered) quit from both, because of inactivity and I wasn't feeling, and than I tried Jungle, entered and I did friends pretty fast, but I didn't "hung" out with the clan, and than I quit, enter in Piratez, past 2 months got some problem on school, and Piratez died of inactivity , and than my last clan since my first, adventure, I helped this clan since post #200 of DSC, til they got official, and than Yoyo, start to power abusing on IRC, and he insult me talking about my mom, and I ragequit 'cause of the noob YoYo...So them, I joined Tint. Made some good application, Got 5 Yesses and 2 No'es, and I was pretty well on Tint, but than...happen again, I was a day on IRC and Yoyo said, he was entering Tint to pissed me off, and I tried to advise Kristis and all guys about Yoyo, but what they do ? Nothing. They don't even listen to me, After 2 months, I wasn't still registered on ToriClan, So I rage quit again, because the leader(Kristis) careless on me, he wasn't give a shit...about me on Tint, and Yoyo got accepted and I tried, but I couldn't made it, So I'm here now applying to you.

Well...I think thats all I have to say About my life on Toribash.

An application, wouldn't be an application without some Replays, I don't know if you guys care about replays, but I learned all about my own, so I'm kinda noobish on SP replays, I'll show some MP and SP


By: Razor
Attached Files
540 Kick.rpl (57.2 KB, 7 views)
[S-P] Madman.rpl (156.8 KB, 6 views)
Razor - Parkour.rpl (153.6 KB, 6 views)
Tl;dr... I should say "Yes" or "No" at him? Anyone?
Last edited by Chris; Apr 21, 2011 at 02:21 AM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Razor View Post
Hello People, Well first of all, I wanna commend the work of you in clan Colon 3, you guys did pretty Well here, and Its pretty hard to start an application to yu, I'm nervous.

Well, I will something somethings about my real life, who I am, what I do etc. etc.

Hi ! I'm Lucas/Razor, In this monday I did 16 years, borned on 04/18/1995, in Sao Paulo - Brazil. I actually study on a private school in Cotia (a city in Sao Paulo), I'm in second year of High school, I'm not a dumb, I study a lot, I went pretty well on first bimester, and I want to continue the same guy related to school ever. I have a girlfriend named Fernand study in the same class as me, I date her since last year, we are happy together.

Well I think thats all I have to know about my real life...

Now, I want you too know EVERYTHING About me on Toribash.

My first name that I used in Toribash was LuKazZs registered 22 of march 2010 (Made an year YAY), that turned into Lemon and now Razor, I had alot of problems in toribash, as clans problems, to trolling problems, but now I think I'm getting more respected in the whole toribash community, ok...all started with my first clan, Anarchy, enemies of Piratez and well I got "kinda" in trouble, cause I'm Grayve's friend and he was leader, obviously I quit from Anarchy, than comes Oblivion, Fallen Angels (the last DSC that I entered) quit from both, because of inactivity and I wasn't feeling, and than I tried Jungle, entered and I did friends pretty fast, but I didn't "hung" out with the clan, and than I quit, enter in Piratez, past 2 months got some problem on school, and Piratez died of inactivity , and than my last clan since my first, adventure, I helped this clan since post #200 of DSC, til they got official, and than Yoyo, start to power abusing on IRC, and he insult me talking about my mom, and I ragequit 'cause of the noob YoYo...So them, I joined Tint. Made some good application, Got 5 Yesses and 2 No'es, and I was pretty well on Tint, but than...happen again, I was a day on IRC and Yoyo said, he was entering Tint to pissed me off, and I tried to advise Kristis and all guys about Yoyo, but what they do ? Nothing. They don't even listen to me, After 2 months, I wasn't still registered on ToriClan, So I rage quit again, because the leader(Kristis) careless on me, he wasn't give a shit...about me on Tint, and Yoyo got accepted and I tried, but I couldn't made it, So I'm here now applying to you.

Well...I think thats all I have to say About my life on Toribash.

An application, wouldn't be an application without some Replays, I don't know if you guys care about replays, but I learned all about my own, so I'm kinda noobish on SP replays, I'll show some MP and SP


By: Razor

I dont even..

hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Yes to razor <3
Must I explain?
Originally Posted by Kaemoflage View Post
Alright, well. Since my app got torn appart from Last, and is belived to be too short i'll rewrite it, fixing LastGods problums (Except Grammer because god forbid I can do that right)

Name: Kaemoflage/Kaylin
Belt: 5th Dan
Age: 18

I'll just begin with why I want to join, since I have spent all day thinking of my application re-write.

I want to join C3 for the reason I stated before, the members but also becasue I honostly belive of all clans that I could get into C3 is on the top of the list, not only because the members are good players but also because I enjoy the laid-back aspect of the clan, last thing I really want is a super strict do everything perfect or get kicked Clan. Not only that but the attitudes of all the members twords eachother are positive (for the most part) and I find this suits me well.
(Why did you chose C3 again after I left? ^ )

Why I should be accepted? Because i'm not a bad player of the game, and have a positive attitude most the time ( we all have bad days ) I did the leave the clan last time over rivals and hatred, but those where petty and looking back on it, I feel stupid.

Alittle about me: I joined toribash in 2010 and have worked my way up from there, my best mods are Wushu and Aikido, Aikido probably being the best of the two. I teach either of these two mods to anyone who is willing, I currently have one student named PhoenixWing and since I have started teaching him I belive he has began blossuming into a commpetitive Aikido player. I enjoy codeing and belive I am fairly good, others have their opinions. I am a perfectionist when it comes to most things, mainly my hobbies.

I hope this clan will accept me back, thank you for reading

Sincerly, Kaylin.

Lastgod, you can start picking it apart again <3 (dont forget the pink)

Also still no.
Last edited by TyZi; Apr 21, 2011 at 03:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Ok. I say "yes" to him.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
Ok, I am too lazy at the moment to use colors. All the spelling and grammatical errors will be in bold. :3

Wait... by C3 being at the top of the list, do you mean in terms of how easy it is to get in, or in the way that we're the best clan? Also, if it's the latter, why do you feel that way?

You do realize that many of the members that you once hated are still members of C3, right? The concerning part is whether you all will get along with each other.

"Positive Attitude" is something to question, based on the way my clan-mates are reacting.

Perfectionist except for grammar and spelling, I see...

Sorry; Refer to the image that I used to emphasize my vote in my previous response.

Last, you are really not makeing this easy for me. I'll answer your questions in the order given.
1. As in the terms of it's the best clan to suit me, if it was easy to get in my first app would have been accepted.

2. Yes, I do realise that and I dont see how I could have missed it, me and everyone that ever had any problums are resolved (Except Kyou, that is kind of a grey area with me)

3. "Positive attitudes" was the best way I could express my feelings in words, I guess a better example would have been "friendly" or "Kind"

1handclap: "But thats because my breasts are so delightfully perky and delightful"
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
That... hurt my brain.

That's a bad reason (if you haven't figured it out already)

So... you chose this clan, partially due to our clan tag?

Not particularly... we have mass-wibblers here, so the same few people post ALL OVER the forums.

(-.-)And the reason that makes you want to apply simply further reinforces my reason to reject.

Make a new account, if you don't like the name. Remember that clans don't look for belts as much, but rather mature and skilled players. We're looking for something in-between the two groups; Someone who is
skilled, but not the the point where they go "AHAHHAH I PWN U! U N00B!", and a person who is mature but also laid-back at the same time.

Ok so first of all, by that I meant I've seen this clan grow and lose members.

I didn't want to join because of the tags, that was just how I noticed the outbrake of members.

I know alot of the members are like that, but that is what makes this clan cool.

I would make a new account but the activation system that had been started hurts my head. :o

I hope I answered your questions well.
