I got a new tablet,a new phone,have to wake up tomorow six o`clock to go to school and its currently 11:20 so I`m gona be tearing my eyes out in the morning.Just so you know,Im the guy with the sun-glasses in the last picture.I`m currently thinking should I risk staying up late and playing eroge or go to sleep so I don`t die tomorow during soccer practise.I`m listening to some "KillSonik" right now.
Last edited by pundzo; Feb 19, 2013 at 11:33 PM.

Pleased to meet you, I'm sentral.
I'm the temporary leader around here until rappunk comes back, whenever that is.

Will you be returning to activity?
If so, I'll mark you as active on the roster.
<[Obey]Jojo> wanna do a duet on tiktok
So I just got new soccer cleats(maybe not spelled corectly).I am downloading League of Legends and will start playing it from pure boredom.Not much else,so how has it been here and whats with the clan event.
Last edited by pundzo; Feb 23, 2013 at 12:15 AM.
Originally Posted by pundzo View Post
So I just got new soccer cleats(maybe not spelled corectly).I am downloading Leagu of Legends and will start playing it from pure boredom.Not much else,so how has it been here and whats with the clan event.

its been ok recently, activity is growing back a bit so thats a good thing.

also, if you like lol, youll probably LOVE dota 2.
if you need a key, send me a pm with your steam.
Originally Posted by pundzo View Post
I just played LoL,damn its pretty hard.I used fibblestick(or something like that).

if you think lol is hard, dota 2 is harder.
lol gives you runes and masteries that can give you some advantages, dota 2 does not.
Today I had a soccer game.Im 15 and the guys on the other team were like 25 and this was a friendly against a team that is in a higher league than my team.I was subbed in after about 10 min in the second half(the guys in my team are also around 25 xd and tehnicaly from my age I should be playing the under 16 but there isn`t enough people in the town for something like that so I play with the older guys).When I got the ball for the first time I dribbled two guys(they had beards man...I don`t even know how I pulled it of myself),then just cassualy passed the ball.The second time I got the ball I shoot it from about 20 m with my left foot(right is my stronger foot)and the ball bounced off the crossbar outside of the field(that was our only on target shot the entire game).I did runs on the side a few times dribbling them but in the end we lost 5-0.
P.S. It was 4-0 when I came in to play.My trusty new soccer cleats are probably responsible for my excellent preformance.
Last edited by pundzo; Feb 24, 2013 at 08:14 PM.