Originally Posted by frogy200 View Post
concon says we have to re-do match so yeah...
Or im out

Are you sure you want to join?
You might be just slowing Insanity down. However, good luck.

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Master of the arcane arts
It's day twelve, fingers are swollen and bloodied, still trying to write this novel. I'm running low on Red Bull. I need more Doritos, too. Hopefully the store clerk won't be scared away by my scruffy look. Headed to the gas station in the morning. -Fusionman
Originally Posted by fusionman View Post
It's day twelve, fingers are swollen and bloodied, still trying to write this novel. I'm running low on Red Bull. I need more Doritos, too. Hopefully the store clerk won't be scared away by my scruffy look. Headed to the gas station in the morning. -Fusionman

You can do it.
Besides, why are you doing it anyway? Is it for college?

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Master of the arcane arts
I'll be hosting an event (for the clan) in about a week. I have the whole idea in my mind. I'll be posting information soon. But as for now, I'll be studying for the exams.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Master of the arcane arts
He's probably talking about an event hosted by us, I would think. Not sure because he didn't give a ton of info. :P Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Indeed. An event that we can't join because we will be hosting it.
Anyway it will be replay making event and we are the judges. I think I'd have to use some clan money from the clan bank for the prizes, if its okay for you guys? 40k will do

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Master of the arcane arts