i thought about a big flame looking like a hat (I've seen that at an admin ingame in one of those old ToriKnight tourneys (u had to fight special knights in order to get the price, armin and fally should remember what im talking about)).

that looked so awesome!
I sold that flame, no flame in my set atm.
also gave my wings to my love.
what's about hadouken-flame? neva heard.
:(){ :|: & };:
they're hand flames , which are one colour in the middle an another one around that.
but no gradient, just one round handflame in two colours
i got what u mean, it looks like the flame in hampa's old set.
but I'm gonna make the flame void so cant make it two colored this way.
:(){ :|: & };:
ah ok.
so how about a decent foot-flame (maybe blend if u like that) going slowly backwards?

saw one of them and it looked kinda cool ;)