Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
Berserkers Greaves, Phantom Danser, Vampiric scepter, Zeal, Stark's Fervor or Madred's Bloodrazor, Phantom dancer, B.F. Sword, The Bloodthirster, Infinity edge, The Bloodthirster.

I lol'd

Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
And btw, no, they simply cant catch yi

I lol'd hard

Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
pentakill easily


Also, stunned Yi = dead Yi
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
Lol, I designed a crit Yi build for myself.
Berserkers Greaves, Phantom Danser, Vampiric scepter, Zeal, Stark's Fervor or Madred's Bloodrazor, Phantom dancer, B.F. Sword, The Bloodthirster, Infinity edge, The Bloodthirster.
100% crit with very fast strikes. And btw, 800-1k crit per strike, kills an enemy tank for 2 seconds. And other guys like Teemo are nothing for you, they die in 1 second.

Uhhh what? If the enemies have at least a bit of common sense and don't waste their CC on tanks that build wouldn't fly at all. All the AS you need on Yi is from your ult and Youmuu's active, the rest should be damage and defensive items(BV, Thornmail, QSS, Frozen Mallet, etc.)
<~Phoenix_afk> fu
Trolls gonna troll, what'cha gonna do.(to Korvin)
Anyways, just try it, and I'm telling you, you shall succeed with that build.
They can't catch yi cause he has his ulti, for the stuns, use the Cleanse spell.
Since you hit 3 times a second and everything is crit dmg, they wont have any time for even trying to beat you up. Esspecially when it's a team fight.
But seriously, trolls off.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
Trolls gonna troll, what'cha gonna do.(to Korvin)
Anyways, just try it, and I'm telling you, you shall succeed with that build.
They can't catch yi cause he has his ulti, for the stuns, use the Cleanse spell.
Since you hit 3 times a second and everything is crit dmg, they wont have any time for even trying to beat you up. Esspecially when it's a team fight.
But seriously, trolls off.

It seems that you either don't play ranked or are playing with horrible people, ANY carry, especially like master yi, can be focused down and killed easily especially if you have no defensive items.
I know Yi is squishy etc.
Then how about forgeting about Madred's Bloodrazor and putting a thornmail/frozen mallet?
After that another phantom dancer and other stuff would be like full def/mdef, and when you feel you're good enough, get a bloodthirster.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Filling your slots with Phantom Dancers is the way to go. With any champion.
6 phantom dancers

Back on the smiteless jungling thing, I was able to steal baron twice from the enemy team because their jungler didnt have smite.

Shaco -> decieve over wall -> Smite and Lol.

Also wriggles changes suck, no more never dieing in the lane as xin zhao.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
All yi needs is ghostblade and stark's. After that build infinity edge and survivability. Proceed to rape everyone.

Also, just played with an amumu, twitch, and trynd that were all 0/6 by 15 minutes. I proceeded to sell everything for 30 wards, and ward spam the enemy team. I charged their base and attempted to solo baron a couple times with only wards, and my kd was still better than them at the end. I was the butthurt udyr who had the shitty team and had fun with it. Deal with it.
1500 games... I finally get it..

P.S. This isn't my normal xin zhao build, I was just getting fed and screwing around, so I decided to go glass cannon. I normally build him tanky.
P.P.S. I was using my caster runepage.

Also if you noticed the level difference, it's because my team asked me to go mid (kennen wanted to lane with her BF or some stupid crap like that)
Last edited by 2worlds; Apr 5, 2011 at 07:46 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ