Originally Posted by s1lvered View Post
maya? lol

Ey thanks for calling that out; real solid ally. My name is Toffee nowadays!

I'd be a real fun legend because there'd be endless and constant complaints about it from annoying dudes.
<Hush> the beat feature sounds like the main event at a circle jerk festival
if I'm not eligible for legend the entire thing is rigged and I will rally supporters to overthrow this forum

watch greatness unfold ladies and gentlemen

I encourage you to support my bid for legend by sending lots and lots of money

we are going to great things for this community starting off with polls folks

with the money I intend to let my supporters decide, whether or not I change my name funded by my supporters to either JDawg OR Jdawg2008

let your voices be heard everyone go ahead and reach out to me on the toribash discord and proceed to ask how you can contribute to this incredible movement
maybe legend status for players who are ranked 1 or till rank 5 in the all time leaderboards for their specific mods, if u do it for only rank 1 and whoever beats them becomes legend and they lose their legend status until they reclaim it, i think it would be a good incentive to keep climbing
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.