Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I'm going to start up a discussion regarding strategy in this game;

In my opinion, the most effective way to consistently win in this game revolves heavily around letting being extremely stealthy & opportunistic, in which the main premise of the tactic is to not compromise your position / take damage and only engage opponents if they engage you first, unless you are certain you'll win the engagement.

Optimally, you'd only need to take one engagement in the entire match, and that's with the final opponent left. The final opponent will most likely at a serious disadvantage at this stage, their position will almost certainly be compromised, along with the possibility of their health and shields being low or depleted. This sets you up perfectly to have a very high chance of winning the entire game, achieved by superior positioning / strategy instead of relying on mechanical skill and raw aim.

i mean if i see someone in mid-range i'll go for them head on, standing back and being a bitch seems kind of like, y'know being a bitch

and i mean, what are you going to do for the entire match, hide in bushes? the last guy will probabably have snooped you out before he'd even be the last guy, any person in a base would probably do this and also, there'd either be a big building battle or they'd be on their big ass fortified metal base probably drinking something or healing themselves, because out of personal experience, i either have mini shields and bandages / medkits in my inventory or just minishields or medkits, depending on the situation that i have. also, what are you going to do? as they're healing they're looking down onto the ground, so if they see this bush start moving or this one man with a grey assault rifle that has 50 bullets in it starts running for you, first think they'd do is either start rocket spamming or take you out with a scar because they got kills and looted people
Last edited by ancient; Apr 1, 2018 at 04:28 AM.