Name: Pr0ne (real name: owen)
Languages spoken: English
Why you want to join the RSO: I really wanna learn more and get up in rank with the big leagues and i believe RSO will help me.
Two sparring replays
Attached Files
PUnCH HIM.rpl (620.9 KB, 8 views)
pr0ne-super spar.rpl (668.1 KB, 8 views)
Name: Shane
Languages spoken: English, Spanish
Why you want to join RSO: So i can get a better understanding of sparing and hopefully learn more moves.
If it is ok i would like to enter one of the same spars as Pr0ne
Attached Files
Pr0ne Vs Butterz.rpl (608.9 KB, 5 views)
Spar Butterz.rpl (466.5 KB, 6 views)
even though my opinion doesnt matter i say yes

i met these guys ingame and they're cool.
-+The wrecking superstar+-
Name: Tyson
Languages spoken: English
Why you want to join the RSO: To be taught more and to teach possibly.
Two sparring replays:
Wolf VS. Proxun.rpl

-WWolf Vs. Rasmus #3.rpl

I'll update this post with the replay that was requested for my app.

ES Member | [a] Adventure
Name: Cory
Languages spoken: English
Why you want to join the RSO: I would like to be introduced and learn more about sparring also i ussualy need a sparing partner
Two sparring replays
Attached Files
Spar With DanWebb.rpl (548.3 KB, 8 views)
Sparing Lucid.rpl (551.4 KB, 4 views)
Name: Casey
Languages spoken: English
Why you want to join the RSO: I would love to be taught more of the nature flow stablility of sparring I really want to become a better sparrer.
Two sparring replays
Attached Files
Spar with 326.rpl (552.7 KB, 4 views)
Spar with sofo.rpl (555.8 KB, 4 views)
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid