Hey still know me quite well i hope...

Fav mod:Twinsword
Time to meet and play:4-6pm GTM-4
Get annoyed when lose:NEVER
MAke fun of others: NEVER
Anything else: Ive been playing quite less these days, but i visit the forums 500 times a day... I used to have a high rank (3-130, lasted for 4 days...). O and pawned, wut belt r u now?
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Originally Posted by benben829 View Post
Hey still know me quite well i hope...

Fav mod:Twinsword
Time to meet and play:4-6pm GTM-4
Get annoyed when lose:NEVER
MAke fun of others: NEVER
Anything else: Ive been playing quite less these days, but i visit the forums 500 times a day... I used to have a high rank (3-130, lasted for 4 days...). O and pawned, wut belt r u now?

Heh, ranks really don't matter xD.

Anyways, I'm sure if you find Jcgrey2 or one of the senior members they will test you.

And I'm custom belt now, been custom belt for ages.
Hey pawned remember me? I see you have lifted the black belt req. so can i join? Btw my name has been changed - it was 'tomm22'.
Belt: Brown, 230-ish from black
Fave mod: None really, but i like skyscrapefall and instagibfeet
Age: 14
Country: England
Times im on: Any time I can be bothered - not from 9 to half 3 weekdays
Am i a sore loser?: No
I dont make fun of others when they lose
Last edited by TwentyTwo; Aug 31, 2008 at 04:31 PM.
belt:3rd dan black belt
time:all most all ways
Get annoyed when lose:NEVER
MAke fun of others: NEVER
tablefight or akido
evenings on intermediate akido
your never a pro until you lose but yes
no not really
passion for gladiator colour
anything challenging
October 16 around 7 pm
depends on the circumstancs
not usually
im pretty good at decapping
Belt:Blue atm
Favorite Mod:Wushu, Taekwondo and Instagib feet
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:Most evenings and Weekend mornings
Do you get annoyed when losing?:Sometimes i do yeah but i just pwn them next round
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:No...unless they know its a joke
Anything else you want us to know?:Nah...not really...apart from i never follow moves lists I always make my own moves.
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