Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
I'm also going to say anyone who is in RAWR or Alpha.
That being....

NutHug, Siku, Mosier, Borgpunx, Werd, IceShadow, Gr3yH47.

Odlov, Kamiko, Stabberz, Ticux, Snudge.

/End Game.

Ouch man, ouch ;_;
[A L P H A]
My top 3.
1. Mosier

I ve seen only maldiluna ingame, and i made that top 3 for only vids and rpls.
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
Originally Posted by Snudge View Post
For sp, the best are Nuthug, War_hero, Splinter, Dafe and Nightin from what I have seen. For mp I'll judge by who I find the most challenging to beat in each of the mods which in my opinion, take the most skill.

TIcux gets points for winning so many tourneys in a big variety of different mods, a lot of good players don't play in tourneys, though.
Wushu: Odlov
TK: Imsku
KB: Tripstone
Aikido/Sambo: Nuthug

Although I am probably comparable to each one of them in these mods.

You know, I was going to post and say that personally I rate you over ticux, but that post made you seem kind of arrogant. Since threads like these are mostly popularity contests, that's probably not advisable. I guess my opinion remains the same, though.
Last edited by Imsku; Jun 4, 2010 at 07:56 PM.
NUTHUG. The best ever. He set off a new standard for Toribash-ing. He has the most Liquid motion in Toribash ever. This is all i have to say. Purely awesome.
> Piratez
Exactly Iceshadow. Common madman shit!!!!!! LOL

I'm still the most brutal player on the High grav scene. I dont care about wins. I cut asssssssss, and take a whippin doin it. I'll upload my 5 piece snackbox replay. Prosambo is the best. No bitchassedness allowed.
Sp: decisively BEZNICK.

Anybody remember him? Nobody else made 6dm's in one hit (I cannot be 101% sure, but he's first person who made it), and he get it TWICE:


As someone said- probably the best replay EVER made.


My favourite of Beznick's replays, another 6dm boom (same "opener", another moveing and 6dm one more time- nobody can tell that first one was "lucky")

Most records in Book of Records & most wins in events =/= being the best.
There are some famous sp players, Beznick isn't really good-known, what doesen't mean that he isn't the best...
BTW his nick really good describes him- in polish it mean sth like "Without-name", meaning is similar to "unnamed" or "nameless"- that's true, he is (was... he probably left TB) really unappreciated....

Mp: it depends. Wushu- KamiKo, aikido- NutHug, tk- Imsku, judo- Gmon(?),jousting- HARDWORKER (lol ;P), overall- TIcux...
Originally Posted by Imsku View Post
You know, I was going to post and say that personally I rate you over ticux, but that post made you seem kind of arrogant. Since threads like these are mostly popularity contests, that's probably not advisable. I guess my opinion remains the same, though.

You are quite right, I just thought I would post my opinion since everyone else is. I am not a better player than any of the people I mentioned, I do not consider my self much worse though, that's all I was saying. You seem to have taken my post the wrong way.
Last edited by Snudge; Jun 5, 2010 at 07:48 AM.