Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
We didn't reject them solely on their grammar Loje. We rejected them because either they didn't post any replays or if they did post replays they were shitty. I also examine their past clans and post to try and get a feel for their personality before I cast my vote.
I can't speak for the rest of the council on this matter.

I know it wasnt only the grammar.... but I only used that as an example...

many times some1 has voted no was because of bad grammar, or atleast one of the reasons why it was a no.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
Ah alright, I'll move away from my QED punchlines now, and assume one of my deepest fears; proper grammar on the internet, as were are deabting, as of now that is.

Xenmas, you should care about my beliefs, if you don't you will force me to attempt to psychoanalyze you and to cure of your 'sickness'. Not much of a threat, but it is not one, I'm only trying to help you, I love the common man, and I only wish for the common man to learn about his ways.

Let me go through a more exhaustive argument of the point I made in my above post, the point being, of course, that grammar is completly redudant on normal internet occasions. The following will not be opinions with opinons - but attempts at emperical arguments.

I have traveled many forums, from 4chan to the most goddamn uptight "grammar" forums that in, no way, discuss serious topics. There's one thing I've noticed ; while 4chan has its ugliness and... fucked upness (espically in /b/), they are actually generally far more liberal in their moderataive duties, and far more honest in the same, while in uptight grammar forums, the moderators are literally smelling their own farts and liking it. This could be mere concidence - but these are from samples of about 10 forums per each group.

Simmilairly, I've seen many people raise themselves above others because of their 'ability to use grammar', even though their texts are so full of grammatical mistakes while attempting to do grammar, that it's actually god damn painful to read, hybrid english as I call it. Use proper grammar - or don't, but god damnit, don't attempt to force grammar because that leads to the creation of "grammar" which really just confuses people who understand grammar - as other points come across than intended.

While I agree some posts with shitty grammar are hard to read - it's not hard to refrain from using capaital letters and periods at the end of setence fragments (*cough* you hybrid english people are freaking amazing at it, don't put periods at the end of things that are not setences "Yes." is a common example *cough*) and at the same time to be understandable, indede, it's easier to do that as most people of the internet are accostumed to crappy "internetspeek".

Now this is a personal belief - and it comes from experience, believe me - I find that those who use their "hybrid english" often put themselves above other people, become "better" to themselves quite quickly, while in truth they're just pompous/excessivly arrogant. This is one thing I want to avoid - and Xenmas, whether you know it or not, you're preaching hybrid english right now and not underestiablity - the two are quite oppisotes actually.

Excuse the mistakes, the above is more of a rant, really.

That took you 15 minutes to post didn't it? At least it shows that you think before you post. Read up the page a bit and look at the above posts.
Now then, lets discuss your post.
You will attempt to psychoanalyze me? Based on my grammar and behaviour on the internet? Quite impossible. By all means though, feel free to try.

-I'm to tired right now to post anything of great impact. When I wake up I shall continue with this. Prepare yourself and study your grade 10 psychology notes, for in the morning, with my thoughts cleared I will continue with this. As a side note I rather enjoy debating with you Deprived.
Last edited by Jim; Aug 28, 2009 at 06:32 PM.
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
That took you 15 minutes to post didn't it? At least it shows that you think before you post. Read up the page a bit and look at the above posts.
Now then, lets discuss your post.
You will attempt to psychoanalyze me? Based on my grammar and behaviour on the internet? Quite impossible. By all means though, feel free to try.

-I'm to tired right now to post anything of great impact. When I wake up I shall continue with this.

That wouldn't be fair, I'll let you defend your point.

On the psychoanalysis point, trust me, it's not as hard as it sounds, while I won't be able to give a 100% correct theory you'll be suprised at how much these generic theories come from. I can easily identify any disorder you have and find the most common cause - which most likely will be true. But I hope it doesn't have to come that - I'll try debate first, you might not have any sort of disorder... not that I'm suggesting it's impossible to want grammar on the internet without having some sort of disorder - it's just that I have yet to convince one person of that without some type of condition xd

btw it took 15 mins cuz it took forever for me to formelate it cuz english is leik my 3rd langauge
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 28, 2009 at 06:43 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by loje View Post
alot of the people that tries to get in but gets rejected because of bad grammar has a "readable" grammar

That's because we don't accept just anyone, if we want to become a great clan, first thing the clan needs is good grammar.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Ardgevald View Post
That's because we don't accept just anyone, if we want to become a great clan, first thing the clan needs is good grammar.

Not really, many people can be nice without a concern for capatilization and punctiation. It's more of a sign for egoism than good skill or good personality.

If you're talking about the importance of comphrension, it's actually easier to ignore grammar on the internet and write in a way one can understand you easily than vice versa.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
Not really, many people can be nice without a concern for capatilization and punctiation. It's more of a sign for egoism than good skill or good personality.

If you're talking about the importance of comphrension, it's actually easier to ignore grammar on the internet and write in a way one can understand you easily than vice versa.

Yes, they can. It's actually more understandable to type in and post with good grammar.

*Tries to think more*
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Ardgevald View Post
Yes, they can. It's actually more understandable to type in and post with good grammar.

*Tries to think more*

I dunno, I think it's harder to read debate than wibbles - or if wibbles had the same language as debate, that would be frustitanigly hard to read - while if debate has the same language, the opinions would, of course, be supported with less arguments, but it would be much clearer as you don't have to choke on grammaritical rules - internet langauge on the internet has more clarity then the hybrid english that they call 'grammar'... because damn, no one on the internet actually has 'good grammar'

If you want a compression, you're not going to talk to your mates in proper grammar - ever, it's unlikely you'll engage in a situtation where absolute clarity is needed, so most of the time you use your 'street language' to become clearer to your friends, now apply the same to the internet...
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 29, 2009 at 12:38 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
because xenmas and ard believe that recruitment is heavily based on grammar - while loje and I don't
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
please just stop!
its just a small problem!
it makes us childish(no offense)
its ok if others follow the grammar rule
just stop!
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?