Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
given im a highly competitive person, rather elite in FPS games and want to compete on high levels with a giant skill ceiling. how worth is it to get this game for me?

now that they have a "proper" ranked mode it got my interested, but i saw that there are quite a few noob proof heroes to pick, does it really pay off playing one which requires more skill? how far do i get with proper aim?

i think the game has a pretty high skill ceiling, most fps games do.

in regards to your question about noob proof heroes, just play whichever hero you find the most fun/interesting to play, most heroes are pretty balanced in the current meta and there's no point in learning someone just because their playstyle is harder to learn than another character. that being said, if you get good enough with someone like widowmaker to never miss, you'll probably be more useful than if you get really good at someone like zarya. was playing competitive yesterday and there was a genji that we played against who practically solo'd our team, ended up having 89% kill participation and tore us apart, and i don't even find myself to be that bad, he was just really good.
genji is probably the hero that gives best reward for being skilled, he is quite difficult to master though
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
I usually play as Junkrat. He isn't a hard character to use, I just like him.

Also, does anyone else find Bastion to be a broken character that needs to be nerfed? Or it's probably just me being bad at the game over all.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Genji and skill in the same sentence without the words "hyperinflated perception" somewhere in there?

Let's be perfectly frank about how much "skill" is needed for Genji. He has a double jump, a wall climb, and another jump off of any wall climb, and an auto correct for ledges after any jump, 200 health, and a dash that deals 50 damage and resets on all eliminations (which includes assists), AND essentially invulnerability on a button press for 2 seconds with an 8 second cooldown that also reflects damage back, makes the projectiles faster, all damage reflected deals more damage, and with pinpoint accuracy. He has probably the highest survivability out of all the offensive characters, and the highest mobility by a long shot.

His primary attacks, shuriken, deal 28 damage per shuriken and can headshot. They're also projectiles, and fire in 3 round burst for straight fire, spread for alternate fire. Sure, that means he struggles at range. But he won't engage you from long range, he'll be closing the gap on you because that's where it becomes much harder to track Genji's ridiculous mobility, and now you can easily just spam his right click to deal 84 damage every second, assuming no headshots and all shuriken on right click hit, which is pretty easy when you get that close, and which he can cancel the timing using his dash and melee, meaning he can deal 84 damage + 30 damage from a melee cancel + 50 damage from a dash cancel, meaning he can deal 164 damage in less than a second, assuming no headshots. If he headshots you with a right click in close range, he's dealing 168 damage. Add the additional cancels, and he's dealing 248 damage in less than a second. That kills every single offensive character, nearly every defensive character, more than half health against most of the tanks, and kills every support.

And that's ignoring the fact that Genji's ult does 120 damage in a large rectanglular prism, not a curve like you would expect from a sword, in front of him. And resets all of his cooldowns on activation, so he can deflect to get close, dash to close the distance fully, pop q while you're still whirling around to reacquire him, since he'll likely be double jumping at that point as well, and he'll be able to dash again. Which means standard ult initiation combo should deal 220 damage aoe without weaving in any melee cancels after the dash, or cancelling a last second right click after the dash with ult.

He has a high skill floor, but there is no skill cliff. Once you understand all of his initiation patterns, he's super easy to dominate with. I don't even play him often and I can hard carry games as him because he's essentially hard countered by 2 people, 1 who was nerfed and now struggles to properly hard counter him because Genji has his 200 health (hi McCree), and Winston, who shouldn't be used to peel for the backline because of a Genji. There are some soft counters for specific aspects of him (Zenyatta ult is a giant fuck you to Genji's ult), but Genji usually preys on those soft counters anyways because they only deal with one specific aspect of him, but struggle against something else (Zenyatta will die pretty much 100% of the time if a Genji jumps him if he doesn't get lucky with his balls or has ult up). So he's essentially running a muck in public because it requires significant coordination to deal with him. Probably the best counter you can field at short notice is Zarya, but that's a highly volatile matchup entirely dependent on Zarya's charge levels.

tl;dr: Genji requires much less skill than people realize.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
You got a point there, although he still does require more skill and knowledge than some heroes (hi junkrat, soldier and mei). Most of it isn't mechanical though but more about knowing when to go in, who to kill first and when it's a good opportunity to ult and when you should just keep your shurikens
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
mei does require a lot more skill than genji but i totally agree with the soldier point. She might be annoying to play against but a good mei is near impossible to beat without having to use an ult.
Honestly though, if you have good tracking you should be able to play genji pretty well.

Also, im hoping they bring back the original discord orb for zenyatta. dude is squishy as it is and can still be countered by a lot of the enemy team, having the option to track maybe one flanking genji might even have him picked in a tournament for once.

i know its a little hard to follow but the usage of zenyatta in comp games drops so much when the harmony and discord orb nerf hit.
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well , played a bit since friday, even together with a small streamer today and got a play of the game while with him.
nothing fancy as tobjörn but if u bother watching

anyways im slowly going towards lv 25 to jump into ranked, currently mainly playing widowmaker, tracer, tobjörn, mcree, reinhardt and mercy, depending on situations and map.
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The concept of healing sniper is interesting, but i'm afraid that we will be getting those people who can't aim for shit and waste one support spot in the team.

Also do we have information about her skills yet? according to the video she will have

- Sniper rifle that can heal allies
- Grenade that boosts the damage that enemy takes (possibly AoE)
- Friendly damage and speed boost
- tranquilizer pistol

Lucio speedboost + Ana speed and damage boost for one Reinhardt would be scary sight
she is playable in the ptr so you can try that out. also, all the stats on her abilities and what not are here!
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here