Im glad he's your friend and all Nolan, but what makes you so sure he wont leave your clan too?

I N C R E D I B L E H !
sorry guys but i double spaced because it looked to bunched together.

here is some of my art work made

oh sorry guys its an album so view it here
oh and also Lwafflez my old accs i didnt like the name of the accs, but im not going to change from this now , i wasnt popular with my old accounts but the names were

all those accounts were only blue belts tho :P
Last edited by phantom; Oct 11, 2011 at 09:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
♥ mushu♥
ModernI dunno, Just I don't think he will leave if were active and nice to him. I would like to give him one chance though.
Last edited by Nolanrules; Oct 12, 2011 at 04:23 AM.
well guys no one has really been paying much attention to this thread i guess but yeah im still waiting to see if im in or not eigther way you guys have been pretty nice and pretty funny in the other threads

♥ mushu♥
Yeah that^ Im apathy on Mist, cause of what people have been saying about tint etc., and I really hate it when people sign ~"Name" when they post.... your name is written in big bright red letters, we can read it, other than that, pretty decent app.
apathy leaning towards a yes.
Ever had an STD? | Need an avy/sigpic? PM me :)
Seems like a nice guy.
Semi-high post count

Bad grammar.

Pros outweigh cons, therefore I'm leaning towards a yes.
what am i doing here