Originally Posted by HunnKhan View Post
all we need is to counter it somehow, i usualy just press C, relax knees, and going to left or right

Yea, it's a move that could be countered easily but people who don't have any aikido skill can't avoid it. Mostly whiney kids don't like what they can't win against so they just call it noobish to avoid the truth that they don't have enough logic or ingame skill to counter it.
I don't care if it happens in mid-fight, because then it's like a set it up. But when someone does an all out shovel first move in aikido, you cant do much to counter unless you anticipated it. Dont shovel first move please
Originally Posted by Moncho62 View Post
Noobish :////

It's more noobish to not be able to counter a basic move.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I don't have an issue with shoveling as I used to. I'll relate to Call of Duty noobtubes. It can either be used as a trolling method, or a way they like to play, because it's easy. It's ok to me if someone shovels, since that is just the way they play. I don't camp in call of duty, because even though it is a play style that works, I prefer running and gunning since it's fun. Same with toribash. If I wanted to, I could shovel, but there's no fun out of it that's why I just do random openers.
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