Originally Posted by destiny View Post
no zap
he wants to NOT lose his virginity till 18
at least i got it that way
EDIT: oshi your right O_O mind blown

Originally Posted by Zapachu View Post
You want to lose your virginity untill you're 18.

Mind blown.

lol when i thought about it i also was like u guys*
[DERAIL]Who here has lost their anal virginity?[/DERAIL]
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
I find the entire idea of this thread, ridiculus. a 10 year old could post that they lost their virginity and you woudn't be able to prove them wrong >.>
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
Originally Posted by Robert234 View Post
I find the entire idea of this thread, ridiculus. a 10 year old could post that they lost their virginity and you woudn't be able to prove them wrong >.>

true i agree
Originally Posted by Robert234 View Post
I find the entire idea of this thread, ridiculus. a 10 year old could post that they lost their virginity and you woudn't be able to prove them wrong >.>

Well we'll just have to assume that the community isn't full of idiotic, lying 10-years olds. Oddly enough, you can always tell who it is.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time