Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Sup guys, I was told I have to apply before I can try out.. Honestly not that many clans doing the whole "App" thing anymore so you have my respect for keeping up with this feature.

My name is JahovaWitness, Real name is Michael and I'm 18. Currently in my final year of level 3 education studying Games Design and Development; Highly recommend the career if you're tech savvy and love your gaming, which I assume you all do..

I started playing Toribash in 2010, it was introduced to me by my best friend at the time and straight away I had a natural talent for this mechanic of being able to utilize every (major) joint in the human body. after about a year of playing I quit because my account got hacked T_T.

[TL'DR short version - I broke a lot of computers. ^_^] returning to the game in the middle of 2012 I went under the username Legsnapper02. that lasted me about a year and a half, bringing me to my current account but my PC broke early 2014 and so I didn't get very far and had to wait until the end of the year for a new PC from momm- I mean the old man in a red sui- I mean mommy.. what..? Come Christmas day I was straight in-game and off I went again.. playing Toribash and not caring about college. aha.. But then that PC turn out to be total trash and broke half way through the year and so I got yet another one at Christmas last year and came back to Toribash once again. and so here we are in 2016 and yeah. that's my backstory of breaking computers.

I've bounced around the community a lot but my fame is quite mediocre, seems being the local clown doesn't get you very far in becoming TB Celeb but that's okay. I've been in clans (on this account) such as (Rome) (Ne), most recently (Enf) and then (Soap), eehhh that's about all I can remember to be honest, there were others but they probably aren't worth mentioning if I don't remember them right?

As to the reason I want to join [e]?
Well I suppose I don't have a particular reason, you're just next in my search for a new home, I would although like to make this clan my home and it would be my first official clan. I know a lot of the members but they probably don't know me, Deak may.. and Possibly Charm.

Why should you accept me?
Well I don't wanna say I'm a good player because it all depends on my current mood at the time. I'm Bi-Polar, so I have a tenancy to snap at times but then I'll be totally cool 2 minutes later and make it all out to be a total joke. I don't really get "triggered" or "tilted" as per say. Making me a non-cancerous entity I suppose. But I do like to have my jokes. And I do throw a lot of stuff around but I intend it all to be meaningless banter. Oh yeah. I'M BRITISH GUYS.. So sorry if my jokes are a little harsh, let me know and I'll apologise

Don't really know what else to write... ahem..
Belt: 7th Dan Black Belt
Best mods: Aikido Big Dojustkidding okay So I particularly play a lot of ABD, Boxshu, I'm good at Lenshu, RK-MMA, Ninjutsu.. Etc.. To be totally honest if it exists, I'll play it. I like all mods, I'm a generalist you could say.

Now then. Bans... I was gonna quit TB for good earlier in the year and so I may have gotten myself a hefty ban of a whole month. (wanted a perma) But yeah that was intentionally unfortunate T_T and so I'm still playing, someone doesn't want me to quit because.. jezus, I tried so hard for that perma. (I did not mean any of this and it was all just an attempt even after being banned, to still get permad. No intention to offend any of you so don't click if you're easily offended) - http://prnt.sc/alir72 I know, it's disgusting.

Okay that's about the extent of my brain capacity to think of stuff to write.

Last edited by Soda; Oct 25, 2016 at 12:50 PM.
If you're reading this, you just failed...
@Goga,sorry to say but you have been rejected.
Next time try to put more effort on your application.
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Hey guys, im mstriker, im 18, and im currently a student with not a very busy life at all that has played toribash for a long time (a while ago with another acc) and is coming back to it.

I was black belt back in my times, but i lost that account so i made a new one and im ready to return to the game.

So im going to cover every point i think you will find useful:
-If i had been on another clan before
-Why i want to join Electric
-What mods i prefer or I play on more regularly

If i had been on another clan before

Yeah i have been on another two clans, but i stayed a week or so, because it started to be inactive soon after i joined. The second one was [Its], we managed to make it official but now its gone, ive tried to find it again but it dissappeared. I stayed for a long time until, for personal reasons i started to be more inactive and i finally left.

Why I want to join Electric

Having a clan in this game is to me a great experience, so I want to join an active clan and I want to help as much as i can to win wars, to give some tips to new people (or to receive them because im not the most experienced one here...) Also i would be active on forums to chill, to talk, etc...

What mods I prefer or I play regularly

Mushu: good distance between toris and some dismemberment, i like it to do some casual fights
Wushu: same than mushu without exploding in one touch, i like it for the same reason than mushu
Rk-mma: i like the fights that take place on this mod, enough distance and not insta lose when you touch the floor
ABD: the main mod on bet servers, at least when i played, its fun and useful on those bet servers.
Twin swords: some fast fun here
Aikido with and without platforms: a very useful and one of the most played mods, its good to know how to play it


Nope, not yet, im a good guy.


I think thats everything you need to know about me, if sonething is missing make me know it.
Also, if you want to test me to see if i keep my skill from those long vacations i wouldnt mind it.

Oh I almost forgot, here it is: "Electric."
Last edited by Mstriker21; Jan 25, 2017 at 08:20 PM.