Negative. Rejected.
Stop invading 8shabirot8/Antei you will be rejected everytime you apply since you did mess with us and one of our members.
  • Contacts:deadmau
  • Birthdate:30.6.1998
  • Belt:brown
  • Country (GMT):kenya
  • If someone invited you, write who:none
birthdate : 30.6.1998

Last edited by Lexx; Aug 16, 2011 at 07:59 AM.

No problem your welcome ;)
Also you can apply when your belt is higher i dont want to make you frustrated or anything.
Just we need high belted at the moment ;)
i am guivilla12, my birthday is 04/19/1999, my belt is Black Belt, Brazil is my country, nobody asked me but I think I should try to enlist because I think I have chances to join the clan.
guivilla12 thanks ;)
No /invade sign.
Do not write in this board if you are not yet accepted, or in another clan that is allied with us.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Agustin Giudizi
2Dan Black Belt
Argentina (Time zone 17:00 at 12:00 in argentina) GMT: +1 =7k
Mods Favorites:
Aikido, wushu and lenshu
Have you been invited:
Why do you want to enter our clan:
I want to be in a clan, in this clan, because is good, I would like to learn more about leaders.


Last edited by Lexx; Aug 16, 2011 at 08:00 AM.
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
No /invade sign.
Do not write in this board if you are not yet accepted, or in another clan that is allied with us.

that doesnt meand anything...

also i will rewrite more understandable.

Please wait till you get accepted or denied if you write posts like "So? Can i join now?" after your application it will count as SPAMM and will reduce your reputation here in MM.