
ty wait how do you know?
witch craft xD
I really wanted to join this clan
my dreams are now ruined
Last edited by qim22; Mar 8, 2015 at 12:38 AM.
Hello! Before we start, I want to inform you that this is a re-application of a re-application. (wat) There may be some of the same info from the last apps, but i'll try to make it fresh and all.
To start things off -
My IGN is Kokoleo.
I live in Amurrica
My skype name is Kokoleo655
These past weeks, I have been play Toribash with many Wapow members. Every day I feel closer with each and every member. I have already gotten to know some select members of Wapow closely, and I know many others.
I love Quick Aikido, ABD, and i'm looking into other mods, but I've yet to actually play others.
Recently, school has been devouring me. However, i've been finishing things up soon, somehow not procrastinating, and I've been freeing up time for Toribash. My online activity atm would be around a 7/10, but I hope to raise that in the future weeks.
I sadly do not post much on forums. I've only ever posted on forums to apply for clans or accept or deny applicants.
I still have yet to receive any PM's, but as I frequent the forums as a lurker, i'm sure that I'll notice the messages almost everyday.
I've been in the clan Godly, as a recruiter. I loved it there. I felt comfortable, and I felt that I fit in. Sadly, these members that I felt such a close bond with, left. They made a new clan, Bad. So, I followed them. However, it wasn't even half of what was Godly. My feelings of satisfaction and comfortableness weren't there. So, along with others, I left, in search of a clan where I belong. I feel that this is Wapow.
Since my many other applications, I've improved. However, I can still get better.
I feel that Wapow fits me. I know many members, and they understand my humor, laugh with me, and play with me. I hope to get into Wapow and bear her honorable name beside my own.
Now, as for my life! (wait, u have one? wat)
My girlfriend, studies, school, and family life are my main focuses. This does not mean that Toribash isn't important to me, though. Once my life is sorted, Toribash is what I come back to.
I play tennis, play the violin, go out with friends, and more.
You can almost always contact me through skype, which i'll have on almost always.
Andd, uh... I mean, i still love sleeping, so that didn't change in weeks...
alrighty back to bed <3 (wow ending on the same thing so original .-.)

Thanks for reading all my applications!
Love, (no homo tho) Koko

Im GenYOLO,I warred against you guys yesterday and i scored an equalizer,it was 4-1 then i equalized it and gave SLNT lead by one.I'm good at countering lifts,if you dont trust me go to replays and search "clutch",and one with my name should appear showing me counter extremealt's lift.Please add me its been my dream to join your clan
hello wapow members my name is wayne my IGN is lugq7 i am a black skype username is lugq7thekilla what i can offer for wapow is well i can offer you is my strength my will to fight and my skills. i always answer my pm's.i play almost everyday i am not that smart at school but i am the school's favourite mods is ABD aikido wushu mushu and parkour forum activity isnt that good but skype lets just say you will see me toribash experience is pretty good i have trained with pros and played about a year.i would really love to join wapow to become part of the community and you guys are strong high ranked cool and hobbies are playing soccer and basketball.

thank you for reading my app hopefully i will be accepted bye and fight on.

from your nightmare lugq7.
Hi my name is Aaron im 10 years old.Im sorry but i cant really offer anything to wapow but if someone could teach me how to make clan art i will.My favorite mod is ABD,i play everyday i can i dont post on forums but i do read everything i can and i always have it open.I dont really respond to my PMs but if u have steam friend me and we can chat their(sgordon7).I dont have skype but i'll get one when im older.Im a pretty good TB player ive played like a blue belt since white belt people used to think i was a alt.I have a good personality im a funny guy i like to be myself and i dont care what people think of me.Im modest im not going to brag if i beat a god belt or something i'll be kind to other members i'll defend them 24/7 if i have to.Im loyal if you wanted me to change someting about myself ingame i would change i'd do anything to get in this clan.I hope i get in bye!
All apps

Not gonna reply to everyone undevidually because that would crash my phone. Everyone is Denied.


Kokoleo your apps are getting better everytime. Your grappling skills need some work. Try new stuff
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!

We are almost at the amount of players that we want so we are picking very carefully. That means skilled players that we think can benefit us in wars and that we can enjoy talking to and playing together.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!