It's a solid piece of hardware and pretty good for gaming and it has nice exclusives, the Xbox one is more centered around entertainment than just purely gaming. Personally, I just want a console focused primarily on gaming and not on television or movies.
And this is where our opinions differ. I have ever so slowly lost my interest in gaming all of the time. I tend to use my Xbox more for YouTube on my tv and the occasional game or two. I would not mind having more things to do other than gaming.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
I never necessarily said the Xbox was inferior to the PS4, but in terms of gaming one could assume as much because gaming is where it's focus is centered. I believe our opinions are fairly the same.
Then the xbox one is perfect for you.
I also do more gaming that any thing on my ps3.
Occasionally getting on youtube.
I just wish they would lower their price for the xbox one.
Something more resonable like the ps4's.

They should've learned from Sony's mistake with their PS3, low launch sales due to their escalated price. But alas, no.

I guess it's not too much to ask for seeing as it comes with a complimentary kinect, but it shouldn't be mandatory.
Well you can buy the new slim with the kinect for $99, can you not?
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Yes, but I was more speaking of the kinect. The Xbox one would obviously be more expensive.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
The kinect isn't exactly the same as the one that was included with the original, and I'm sure the kinect isn't the only reason it's a lot more.