Well i think Willy has many friends here in the clan.And that´s what a clan stays for.So I change my mind and say yes to him.
Originally Posted by nivek32 View Post


Sorry,but what do you mean?

Originally Posted by fachry View Post
i say yes , because your my bro from the start i play toribas

Thx fach

Originally Posted by nivek32 View Post
Well i think Willy has many friends here in the clan.And that´s what a clan stays for.So I change my mind and say yes to him.

Okay,Thx a lot
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Willy: Apathy means that i´m not voting.Like a no and a yes.But you see,i changed my mind.
Also,we have to test you before you´re in.But we talk about that later,when box (Nick) appears.
yes to sparkly ofc
and apathy/yes to willybash
also made you thigs kevin
sorry for my slowness
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Well I would say yes to Willy but I saw him when he was in [Zero] (I overwatch that clan) he joined; stayed for about 2-3 weeks then left the clan. I just don't want him doing that with SyN.