This is interesting. NA drama.

~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
No one was trolling mannnnn.. Just because people did not follow every ping you spammed does not mean they were trolling. And we wanted to win just as much as you did. And yeh if I knew you were such a sore ,,, I would've never invited you anyways man, you aren't anything special.

2 of you were at least gold. I'd expect you to know when to baron.

With their support/jungler down on moderately long timers and no lane pushed, the options should realistically be either push a lane or secure the nearest possible objective. Yet you went all the way from top side jungle to bottom to chase Jinx instead of securing Baron which they got about 2 minutes later after they did exactly what we didn't.

I'd absolutely hate to be a teammate of yours in just about any mode. I don't think I saw you/jax/caitlyn put a single ward up anywhere of any kind either.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Does anyone think it's possible to jungle fizz? I'd like to see someone (fluttershy) try it.

yes, not full AP however, you're going to build him on-hit
lich bane, nashor's tooth, iceborn gauntlet are examples
also you're gonna build 1(max 2) damage items and then get tanky items if you're not stomping, if you're like 1000/0/0 you can go 4 damage items and zhonya since you'll oneshot before they kill you anyway.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
yes, not full AP however, you're going to build him on-hit
lich bane, nashor's tooth, iceborn gauntlet are examples
also you're gonna build 1(max 2) damage items and then get tanky items if you're not stomping, if you're like 1000/0/0 you can go 4 damage items and zhonya since you'll oneshot before they kill you anyway.

You should try it then. I want to see someone do it. I can't because I don't have a pc.
I did try it when i was in lower elos(platinum-ish) and it was working pretty well
im kind of scared to try it now because well, it's hard to pull off, but i guess i'll do it once and record how it went, should be interesting to see.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
I did try it when i was in lower elos(platinum-ish) and it was working pretty well
im kind of scared to try it now because well, it's hard to pull off, but i guess i'll do it once and record how it went, should be interesting to see.

Yea I'd totally watch that. The only problem I see is him being squishy. His E with red buff seems like a good combo, and his ult is great for ganking.
His downside is a slow clear time and no hard cc until 6. That being said, he has great mobility, along with great damage, so he's a little similar to a lee sin jungle with worse clear and utility, but with ap. Since he is an auto based ap jungler, he's best with a ff for clear time, but he's not shabby with a elder lizard or golem, but all of them really don't fit with optimal build paths.

Also, it dawned on me yesterday that malzahar should totally have a legendary skin called Beekeeper Malzahar, with big bees for voidlings, two swarms of bees for q, bees errwhere for w, bees for e, and bees pouring out of his mouth for his r. I would pay top price for that skin.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Does anyone think it's possible to jungle fizz? I'd like to see someone (fluttershy) try it.

I hate to say it but EVERY champion can jungle just not all can do great or well.

Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
NOPE! You won't find me in the jungle.

Fizz jungle is possible, I've seen some people play it and they did quite well.

I main jungle and top and I for one play many odd junglers and still help my team enough to pull crap outta my ass xD
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Yea I'd totally watch that. The only problem I see is him being squishy. His E with red buff seems like a good combo, and his ult is great for ganking.

I gotta get to atleast gold to get twitch running great!