Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Godyr is love.
Godyr is life.
Remember and respect.

I get to say that at the end of every single match.

Udyr is just free elo if you learn how to play him, jesus.
And the most funny part is how everyone wants to report you before you step out of the jungle.

Aaaand in the end you get to report them. Gotta love that.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Past a certain point, udyr becomes a poor choice. Because his only option is > run directly at person, competent warding shuts down his jungle, and smart play ruins his top lane. It works when people are dumb and forget to ward when overextended or they don't ward jungle entrances, or are terrible at kiting, but he basically just becomes a counter-jungle when it does happen, and he is at best an even trade with the big 4 junglers (kha, lee, elise, and eve) if they ever meet up.

Not saying he's bad, as his clear time is still god-tier, but he's more one dimensional than xin when it comes to jungle ganks.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I dared to hope that the skarner rework would solve his feast or famine problem in the jungle.

Nope. Further exasperated because his early clear is worse, and his ganks are as linear as udyr with less reliability pre-6, and you can escape his r with a well-timed dash/flash. Now it's just famine against any comp with mobility.

I dared to hope, and my hopes were crushed. The maokai rework won't come soon enough.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Jesus, you all make me want to cry. I'm inevitably stuck in Elo hell. Though, I've only gotten 180(?) normal wins, which I shouldn't have even tried ranked this early, and I've completely quit ranked until I better myself.

I've gotten my ADC pretty down, and right now I'm working on bettering myself in Jungle. Kha'Zix is is my momentary love, even though the nerf in patch 4.9. Derpy derp.

(Someone should send a mystery gift and I'll love you forever ;-;)
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
I remember once I stopped playing for 2 months because I had to travel, after I started again, I was extremely rusty.

You're always rusty pls :Kappa:
Top Lane Ryze, run movement speed guints, magic pen reds, flat armour yellows, and scaling mr blues. I cannot lose my lane, even against counters like Lulu i win. For the jungle i find Warwick really effitive plus i have the grey skin warwick. even though pre 6 he isnt the best, i am often farming alot and just out tank most of their team. And the ult lets you target the adc really well.
Warwick is super effective if you play him well. Run attack speed marks/armor seals/mr glyphs/2 attack speed quints/1 movement speed quint on him