Im inactive because i dont know what to post
and theres not much to talk about in here
but surely i visit here everyday .i bet everyone does.
so its gonna be hard to post twice a day
,events makes the desc more active and its hard
to think of a topic that lasts long ..the things that last longer
are clan problems and arguments ,well for me it is.
or debates.
or UNUSEFUL stuff like cookies c:

btw arty, how is that 'event' you were planning on?
is it like... cancelled?
Like a lie
It' s not cancelled. Not at all. Just put on hold, like kam wrote.
I'm just having a bit of trouble with university atm. Have to reinstall all the stuff I have.
Just installed windows 8. Gonna set it up now. Like, antiviruses and all that kinda shit. I'm getting a grade for that ._.

Oh well... an event will happen. That's for sure.
Also, when do we plan to apply for oficialness? It's been quite a long time now, I'd say.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
we apply for officialness when we are ready,

currently the quality and ammount that we are posting sucks,

and we are not that active ingame either,

we gather more awsum people in nao,

and wait for our not so good ones to be more pro

then we will be ready c:

also guess who reached 200 post \o/
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Grats on the 200th post, Apel.

And I agree with Apel. We should apply for official when we're ready and have decent quality and quantity of posts.
kammy, how much posts do you think we need? like in pages (were in 158 atm)
and if you wanna get those decent quality you gotta set a saxy tawpic. k.

and since apel mentioned ingame activity, should we do something together ingame? (could also be for racruitmant)
Like a lie
I mean like, posts per day, at the moment we have 1 post every 8-10hours, or at least, that's what it is when I check the forums.

And ingame activity isn't really needed unless we want to be ingame active. Which I think Apel wants us to be, but eh.
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
also I'm sorry fear but your theory is wrong, no offence.

What're you even on about here?
I think that zayex meant that it's pretty much impossible to prove that what you wrote is right.
Not sure if it actually is like that, but cba to actually check that stuff out. Urgh...
Well, whatever.
Also, I love how resource saving is windows 8. And toribash works perfectly fine for me(besides the bumpmaps).
Fun tiems.

And about the activity... well... Forum activity still is more needed than in-game shtuff.
Also, did you know about the event where you have to make a tea shirt design about toribash? ;ooooooooo
totally gonna participate.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc