I'm going on vacations tomorow.
So ask blackdemon or any other member of our clan to test you ingame.
Btw eu sou português.
Do you really think you're in control
Another thning don't spamm like that, all the times you post here your post should have more than 10 words.
That will help us getting official
cya in 2 weeks guys
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by MRSIRR View Post
Hey guys,its me marceline.I've decided to use my alt so it will look better for the clan.

kk i submitted our replay wish us luck XD
Ok sure goodluck.I hope we get to rank one soon,but is it possible becaue were not official?
Originally Posted by BlackDemon View Post
Cmon i guys be more active inactivity is not allowed.

Sure sorry for inactivity : \ btw i have the money sell me ur full 512 i command u!!!!! lel