"Ever built blood thirster on Teemo?"

Lmao, the proscene all chat is legit
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Your cs counts are incredibly low. Might want to work on that.

Otherwise, good job

I know I know, it's something that never occurs to me that I need to work on it since my CS is still higher than anyone else in my game. Bronze is a noobtrap and I need to escape.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The trick is to time the roam, and know exactly how long you can afford to be away from lane. There's only two ADC who can afford to roam often, and it's twitch and mf, solely because twitch has gank potential, and mf has strut to spend less time in travel. Everyone else is too slow or doesn't have a real gank pressure, so they're better off farming while their support roams when the enemy bot/adc is b.

Roaming is a luxury afforded by those who need few items and to a certain degree mobile or gank threat. Adc function more like slightly more mobile, glass cannon turrets; they're stuck in a lane.

I actually feel like tristana has a pretty good amount of gank pressure if you play it right, mainly when fed. The number of insec-like maneuvers I've pulled with her ult is actually pretty impressive (I think).
Last edited by HiVoltage; Jun 20, 2014 at 06:45 PM.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
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You can build nida tanky? Oh man I need to try that in my jungle!
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Nidalee Jungle is something I have enjoyed since I tried the new nida.



No CC tho? Is she only effective in the acutal jungle?
Or when a turret goes down and you can chase mothafuckas?

Still max q?

Her clears must be pretty good I imagine too.
She gets pretty battered in the early game by the monsters, unless you use the cougar and human form to get the most damage efficiency on the jungle creeps.

I build Nida like a bruiser, 2 damage items and the rest is generally tanky, I use the Iceborn as my "CC" since it makes kiting and chasing a lot easier especially since you can already abuse cougar form.

I don't max Q, I max E. The heal and the attack speed steroid is a must in the jungle, I max Q 2nd. Because of the way Nidalee is she gets her power spikes like any other champion at ult levels. I found her effective in the top lane and the jungle, I believe she can be played in any lane but I bet a rene would wreck her anyday.

Land a Q or a bushwhack (bushwhacks actually hurt a lot now, 12% current hp) and they'll get a debuff, the debuff lets you run faster towards them for 4 seconds and in that 4 seconds your cougar form will be buffed if used on them.

E does more damage I think, W gets double the pounce range (feels good to be on the otherside of a wall and somebody with low hp hits your trap, hit R and go huntin) and her Q does 33% more damage with the debuff.

So it takes a lot of switching between human and cougar forms, I believe rito made a great nida; especially since her W and E are now aimed by the mouse rather than the position she is facing. 10/10 would play again.

edit: her clears are okay, not the best at the start but do get a hell lot faster once you get sheen.
how i play jungle nidalee

marks: hybrid pen
seals: flat armor
glyphs: whatever you want
quints: movespeed

build: (if other team has lots of auto attackers)
machete -> spirit stone -> boots -> spirit of elder lizard -> sweeper -> iceborn gauntlet -> ninja tabi/merc treads -> frozen heart -> whatever else you need

(not many auto attackers)
machete -> spirit stone -> tear -> boots -> spirit of elder lizard -> sweeper -> iceborn gauntlet -> ninja tabi/merc treads -> muramana -> whatever else you need
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Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

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