Teague wins. An alt account is an account that you can use if something were to happen to your main. I have a bank account that's my alt even though I only add tc to it. Sorry :P
uhm... i literally never go on that account ..

does that mean i fail some kind of background check? XD

seriously guys comon im not an alt person .. okay i will never go on healthy again o.o .. ( even though i almost never do anyways)

if there is a way to delete an account tell me because i can delete it if you want me to
Originally Posted by ownya View Post
yes.. i meant using 2 alts is unnecessary

having other accounts that you never go on.. i dont see any harm in that

dude.. i dont even remember when i made it.. i could have easily checked when if i wanted to but it thougth it was 1-2 weeks ago

could have made that clear in the begining now it raises suspicion.
okay im sorry for the misunderstanding..

what i meant is having 2 accounts that you seriously play on is unnecessary

if you are dedicated to 1 account and you happen to have another account that you never go on.. .. lol .. i mean.. thats nothing

well.. that was the first time i posted with healthy... and .. i wont post with it again xD
Last edited by Simon; Sep 9, 2011 at 07:59 PM.
Originally Posted by teague19 View Post
could have made that clear in the begining now it raises suspicion.

Teague I found my pet rock!!!! !!!
hahaahah lmao teague

i posted that in serious discussion when i first made it

i was soo bored and it got moved to hall of shame almost instantly

(it was meant as a joke)
Last edited by Simon; Sep 9, 2011 at 07:59 PM.
okay listen guys

it was never my intention to play on that account or post on it or well it kind of was but only in that moment

i was just bored thats why i made it ..

please dont reject me because of this =/ ..