Originally Posted by Ealtrik View Post
okay, I cannot handle this anymore without asking. Whats with your forum set colors

Its a joke between me and pal. :P

pal is lap backwards. And pal is sitting in my lap
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

i just Rick aviichi'd you. rekd. Nuff said. its been 25 days since we applied for official now.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

I want Green hat andShutter Shades
and Noel and Link i am a Psychedelic Tuna soo yeah i rule over you guys with awesomeness totally 100% 10,000,000% more cool
Last edited by Tuna; Feb 28, 2014 at 03:23 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Colors View Post

This video scared me.

Damn you and your Rick-Rolling \o3o\
I now have to find a way to get back at you o3o
Originally Posted by powerrajike View Post
yes already applied for official? aint the memebers too low

Yes we don't quite have enough members yet. I am going to go and do a recruitment drive at some point during today, feel free to tag along.
<Abyss> I am Cookie, fear me \o3o/

we where told that we needed more members by a Clan mod(I think it was a clan mod) so if we got Official we would not die Etc, so we a bound to get more members soonish i think we need at least 3 more(Just my Opinion) but we need to know that 3 well and know they are Friendly Mature And well behaved, if not then good luck on them getting in. I know we need more but we need more good members the members we have at the time being are Grate let's keep are members Grate Don't Invite People with out having a Back Ground Check on them and telling a Leader/Co-Leader,
and if were to be Official Let's try to keep Grammar at the best Possible Quality And keep this Thread Spam Free if you post a Message on this Thread witch has no Use/Quality we will ask you to Edit/Delete it If you are asked not to post here don't post unless you're told other wise. if we get Official we should make a Council for when we get a Private Thread :P. also i am going to make some banners for the Clan :P
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions