Damn, i like my Vip pack and i'm too bored to make another. -.-
Btw, you should change the part that countains your name, avvy, belt ... I alredy said that you can found the background size in the Vip area.
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
He sort of just floats around everywhere. xD

He doesnt have a float on his VIP set... Dont rage :O
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Damn, i like my VIP pack and i'm too bored to make another. -.-
Btw, you should change the part that contains your name, avvy, belt ... I already said that you can found the background size in the VIP area.

kratos its OK if you like your VIP background then keep it.

Aw emoney got banned ._. I guess it was his fault this time since it's an infraction overload.
Expiring time: 1 year

Name: emoney78
Reason: Infraction overload
Ban Date: Jun 28, 2013
Lift Date: Jun 28, 2014