Ive just became a 4th stage black belt and I remember what you said about this isn't a clan for you. But I know I can be a good member of Obey. Not only is it a good clan but it also fits me. Most of the wars I've done, I helped a lot. I fought Nitro, Phoenix and other clans. In each clan war I was pretty much the only one to get most wins. Im Rahmiir McFall SD Cali Skype: Rahmiir McFall. Age 13 I will send some of my best replays on 4.8
Mods I used:
The_Great_Escape_b I think or d
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!^02Long fight.rpl (54.5 KB, 4 views)
!^03Get pwned 8!!.rpl (14.0 KB, 4 views)
!^03Scann - Psycho.rpl (127.2 KB, 4 views)
!^09Scann - Full_parkour.rpl (119.4 KB, 5 views)
!^03Uke's retry.rpl (284.4 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by XxscannxX; Apr 23, 2014 at 04:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello my name is Gabriel
My age is 21
GMT is -7
I cannot post replays for my phone so sorry and I am not the best at making replays
Competitive game modes I play are aikido,taekkyon,and ABD
Some general to know about me is I'm really respectful even if you are rude I will be respectful to you I am active everyday and I can help out alot.
Well that's all I got so I hope I get into Obey and thank you for your time have a good day.
So i am 13 years old (borned in 2000) , i am a student in 7th class and i have a dream: to become an airplnae pilot. At the moment i am living in a small city with 28,4k citizens, situated on the South part of my country, also crossed by the Danube. My country is Romania (EEST-GMT 3+), a mid-size country situaded in the East par of the Europe.

I have a big-sister, she is 20 years old, and she is at law university, and wants to become a judge or a lawyer. I am very prouad to have a sister like her. My familly is a very smart one. My mother and father are engineers. They always tell me to study hard to become what i want. I am very happy to have a familly like my...

Now about my game activity:
I started this game 2 years ago, i found it on the internet. I searched some internet games to play and i found this game: "Toribash". The toribash version for internet was so retarded and i didn't understand it at that time, but after i dowloaded the version for OSX, i understood it. When i was at blue belt, i was confused that other players were so good, but now when i am 5th dan black belt i can beat anyone. When i was blue belt, i stoped playing for 3 months, and i started it again on 18 july 2012, the date i joined the community. I play this game like every day, when i don't have what to do i play this game . My forum activity is also every day.

My favourite competitive mod is judo but after it is abd, rk-mma, leshu and akido.

My replays aren't so nice, but i never worked on my replays..

Well this is my app, i hope i can join but now u decide.
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holy moly.rpl (52.1 KB, 8 views)
fatality.rpl (27.6 KB, 5 views)
Hello, my name is Aviant.

I am 19 years old and I live in the United States.

I am a black belt, and my favorite mods are:

Brushu- I choose this as my first favorite because I fell that it takes the most skill. There are so many easy ways to win that as a pro you have to look out for them. You need to learn how to chase to deal with runners, and good defensive openers to defend against rush openers and all in all you need to be able to read what the other person is going to do before they do it and at times it can be really tough.

Lenshu- I choose this as my second favorite mod because the -30 gravity and the turn frames make this mod difficult to play at first. I like this mod cause the key to winning is staying low and going for hits. The gravity is low, so it makes it harder for you to push or really lift your opponent. This mod is a bit underplayed now, I don't really see many people play it anymore because of Rk_mma but I still find it to be rather fun to play and a good official mod.

Aikido Big Dojo- Now, this mod is my least favorite mod out of the three, simply because almost every match played you end up tripoding and fight to get points or hold them. The reason I play this mod is because it is the common dueling mod in the community and aside from that I really don't like playing it. I am actually forcing my self to learn how to become better for dueling sake. Seeing to how I can't market or draw.

Now about me, as said in the beginning, I live in the United States. New Mexico to be exact. I currently still go to school, I dropped out when I was 16 and after 3 years of dealing with how bad my life was I decided to return to better my life. I absolutely love basketball, as I post this I am listening to debates about the playoffs and MVP choices. I am a chill guy once you get to know me, everybody judges me quickly do to my past but no one ever takes the time to get to know me or even talk to me. Recently people in this game have made me quite angry, cause apparently it's now a trend to shovel and lift, but instead of me complaining I will move on. So, I like to read and watch The Avatar.(The Last Airbender). I have a weird obsession with this show and it's not gonna stop. I watch it everyday I have cruised threw the series once already and I'm almost done doing it again. I am re-watching the series again cause here in a couple months Legend of Korra season 3 is coming out and I just want to feel caught up so I don't miss any details.
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beep.rpl (73.6 KB, 6 views)
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oot2.rpl (99.5 KB, 4 views)