There's no way to get that if they don't have it. I've heard of No-Qi packs, but I don't know if they are still being sold.
I would post something in the QuickQuestions forum asking for a way to get a pure force no-qi.
@emoney They should really lower the prices for some things... White joints for 1mil TC? Come on, those should be the basic ones.
Yes they should a joint texte should be 5,000tc instead also it 10:07pm and I have 3 more days of school lest so good night

Hehe it's 4am here and I'm still going. National day off tomorrow, but I'm already on holidays. Gnight emoney.
But listen i heard 30001068/jase123/physcoxxxx is gonna get all his accounts perma banned soon and its sad he actally starting to change but its hard for him because he wanted to start over you know it takes time for a person to change
I want jason so bad now but he's married!