Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Braum is a trap in ranked. He's op, but the other teammates will go too deep because "we have a Braum so we can't lose". Demoted to Silver 3...

He is going to start getting banned and open space for champs like nasus. More op champions! Wooooooo
Nasus ain't even op though. If he picks it, pick jax or trundle and you win the lane and the teamfight. Jax just gives no fucks about nasus early game and scales hard enough to deal with him late game, while trundle gets to make nasus his bitch pre and post 6 because of his q and r.

And braum is op only because he has enough offensive tools that he really can just dive in and force engagements, but so much defensive mobility that he might as well initiate, take the brunt of the damage deliberately becuase of his 4 seconds of 40% damage reduction, which can have a 6 second cd, ignoring the fact that he also gets 20% of his armor and mr buff for 3 seconds, on another possible 6 second cd, because he can just use that to waltz right on out because 40% extra damage reduction puts him easily at 64% damage reduction with no pen against his stats. It's basically a permanent alistar ult. And like alistars ult, pen items only go through his stats, not the auto reduction, so there's no itemization against it. He will no matter what, even with the highest pen possible and considering likely build paths, have at least 46% reduction in total. And he often hits 3k to 4k health, so you can't afford to focus him, and pray to god that you have a source of persistent damage to whittle the fucker down after the fight.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I don't think Braum is even meta right now, he has like no lane presence after lvl 1, and his teamfighting is only situationally good, like catching people out in the jungle or if they have ranged aoe burst.
He has amazing lane presence with another person, in particular people with aa resets or multishots, like sivir, mf, ez, and lucien. Like holy shit lucien has a god-tier pairing with him. He will cause any q of braum's that hit within dash aa range of lucien into a one sided trade in his favor. Give him relic shield, and braum pretty much never has to leave until his adc wants his first item.

And Braum can instantly nullify any ranged threats and isolate anybody who dive initiates his team with stand behind me and e. He will stop all ranged followup and allow everyone a good 5 seconds to blow the initiator up. He's the only tank to date that can take aggro without having to dive. He just stands in the way, effectively nullifying risk by staying in the front of the backline, yet reaping the rewards of a diving taunt tank like shen or rammus. And he has it on a lower cd and cost than either of them do, and he can take more aggro than rammus, while receiving better protection than shen's aa damage reduction on taunt. He is absolutely broken because of how little risk he has.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games


I lost the first 2 promo games, last 3 were intense. Fuck bronze woo.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
12/8/19 kayle on ARAM. I ended up taking the last tower and nexus by myself with 3 enemies trying to stop me :o
Originally Posted by Yoyo View Post


I lost the first 2 promo games, last 3 were intense. Fuck bronze woo.

Gratz yoyo.

Also, I finally got promoted to Silver II.

Game number one, I'm premade with blitz, he went afk at lvl2...Got a quadra(ended 12/4/10) with Orianna in a teamfight, we aced them and I almost carried the entire game 4v5, blitz came back at the end of the game, but the team didn't listen to me, everyone were toxic as hell and we lost.

I somehow managed to win two games in a row then and got promoted.

5th series in two days and finally won 'em. \o/
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

GG New Tribunal system!

Only 39 more games until I can talk again.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
GG New Tribunal system!

Only 39 more games until I can talk again.

what did you do... lol

on a non-related note, I finally have more time to play this game. Ever since I only work 4 days at work, I've been playing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
was gold 3 before this game and now I'm gold 1; completely skipping 2. Just like I skipped gold 4 lol... Guess MMR is just high. Just assuming that because I play with platinum 5 and 4s.

Got gold 1 after these two games.

Last edited by ed; May 17, 2014 at 03:09 AM.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
GG New Tribunal system!

Only 39 more games until I can talk again.

Lololololol get rektd kid, meanwhile tyzi, faint, and i dont get punished