I hope you both fail :3



Good luck.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
I haven't applied yet. I asked Viper to read over my app and just see if it looks ok before I submit it
Made by Fenris
i know it says recruitment closed but i always liked reaper and thought they were a good clan,i know i may be below min belt but you do have a green belt member so i figured i could atleast try for my dream clan, good and active members and isnt over loaded or has like nobody
Belt (4th dan minimum):2nd Dan
Country/GMT:northeastern U.S.
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum): about half a year...but i joined playing a blue belt and when i was blue i was playing black belts so i hope that makes up for it and i play master/10 dans quite often now and am atleast an even match for them most of the time
Forum Activity (From 1-10): 7,8
In-Game Activity (From 1-10): 9
Previous Clans psych ward, twist, imp
Why did you leave/get kicked?:inactivity, bad members, too many noobs
Special Skills?: flips, punching
Any infractions/bans?:none
My first thought of this clan was scary.
[Believe] Leader l [RSO]
Wushu l Sparring l Parkour
You do realise following instructions is a good thing. Sorry dude but it did say recruitment closed :/. The app wasn't amazing either.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by GODzVital View Post
i know it says recruitment closed but i always liked reaper and thought they were a good clan,i know i may be below min belt but you do have a green belt member so i figured i could atleast try for my dream clan, good and active members and isnt over loaded or has like nobody
Belt (4th dan minimum):2nd Dan
Country/GMT:northeastern U.S.
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum): about half a year...but i joined playing a blue belt and when i was blue i was playing black belts so i hope that makes up for it and i play master/10 dans quite often now and am atleast an even match for them most of the time
Forum Activity (From 1-10): 7,8
In-Game Activity (From 1-10): 9
Previous Clans psych ward, twist, imp
Why did you leave/get kicked?:inactivity, bad members, too many noobs
Special Skills?: flips, punching
Any infractions/bans?:none
My first thought of this clan was scary.

You said your forum activity is 7, 8!! Then why is your posts low? ;/
Master of the arcane arts
Does my app for this clan is considered ? Or ...

And Viper .. can you see my app for GM too!
Last edited by oofun4; Oct 19, 2012 at 04:13 PM.
Originally Posted by Moncho62 View Post
You said your forum activity is 7, 8!! Then why is your posts low? ;/

I did not have good clans to post because none of them were big in forum activity and its hard to post when your internet goes down for awhile...and sorry for those who reject my entries,for they do not survive very long after
[Believe] Leader l [RSO]
Wushu l Sparring l Parkour