Originally Posted by powerrajike View Post
Awesome, Name Pure wants pure =)

hahah, funny, right?

Originally Posted by Luthery View Post
how do you collect qi again?

I cant believe you're making this question... Play games. õ.O
D: well, sry but im not a saddo, i know qi is like a chinese power thing but how do you collect them?
do you like it?
You mean in real life or toribash?
Idk in real life, but you can got qi in toribash just playing a match.
Hey guys, an idea - what about making some clan tournament - like for us, to see, who (that i am) is the best
well, joe haven't heard from u in a while, HELLO!
and yeah, a good idead, but our GMTs are so far away...
we don't think we could arrange a proper tournament in iCoF
do you like it?