When you get new achievment write here....
My new achievment

*b loodymess*
*b loodymess*
*b loodymess*
*b loodymess*
*b loodymess*

You decapitated 25 ugly heads in one week - cool.
this is link for my all achievments is Ovo
Last edited by Shody; Jul 7, 2010 at 02:04 PM.
Shody taj link ne radi tako, takav ti je zato sto si stavio da te zapamte forumi, kada mi kliknemo na njega mi idemo u nase achievmente.

Ovo je ispravan link.

Belt qi:Black and 1611 qi


Your strongest mod:Aikido and Running

Past Clans:Ninja and Anarchy(Should nver have joined that clan)

Post your 3 best replays:

Having trouble uploading replays i will post as soon as i get my internet connection up
EDIT: Added Replays
Last edited by BeLgRaDe; Jul 26, 2010 at 07:29 AM.
Ok Guys nvm i have joined a clan atm it is a new one called UST (Ultimate Sparring Team) so if i decide to leave plz keep my application under consideration