Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Can't really think of a better beginner Adc alternative though. Graves maybe?

Considering the shop price of tutorial champions, Sivir would make a better pick. Skillshot Q, easy to understand her W and R. The only tricky spell would be her E.

If we take a look at all the other carries, Vayne would be my option. She might depend on her abilities for positioning + kiting, but any begginer would quickly understand the offensive basics.
Caitlyn. Straightforward passive with an intricacy to pick up, long aa range, straightforward q, w and e are relatively straightforward with intricacies to learn, r is very straightforward.

Most forgiving adc by far, with a deeper level of play possible to let players get a taste of spell interaction and champion interaction. I've recommended her as a starting adc to 3 people so far, and every one of them, while maybe not liking her, agreed when they got better that she was a good starting point.

Same reason why I believe Brand should be the tutorial mage :s problem is rito wants the tutorial champs to be 450 ip champs, so newbs can purchase one as a comfort champ, so cait and brand are too expensive to be tutorial material.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Oh really? I've never played Ashe besides the tutorial. I don't even own her despite the fact she's a 450 IP champ :o Maybe I'll give her a go tonight
Last edited by souldevilj; May 9, 2014 at 05:56 PM.

SKT vs. OMG Summary (Spoilers)

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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
This isn't spoilers of the TPA vs FNC match, just a comment on one moment during of it, but my god you have to watch it if only to see xPeke get his shit slapped during a baron dance. Only play I can safely say somebody was dumpstered, fucking rekt.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I love Ashe too, wish her E was something different though or had a lower cooldown. That's just me though.

One thing I don't get is why Riot have her as a tutorial champion which encourages newbies to play her. As far as Ad carries go she would be one of the harder ones for beginners to grasp.

Mana drain Q on toggle. (Most likely will just get left on and drain mana or not be used at all. To use effectively other than chasing requires knowledge of kiting and orbwalking)
W is straight forward and easy enough.
E may be confusing and not super useful to beginners who don't have a good understanding of vision (also no real use of the extra gold since no one last hits at low levels).
R is a skillshot but otherwise is pretty basic.

Can't really think of a better beginner Adc alternative though. Graves maybe?

Ashe is pretty difficult to play because she has no mobility, but her kiting is OP because of her slow with her W ( I think the slow is her W)
Graves is always fun to mobility then send a Q or R to the dome. I wonder why he isn't as used in higher ELO?
I also wouldn't recommend Vayne, pretty high skill cap I feel to get his whole mechanics down, but on the other hand can be an elite carry.

Sivir OP for beginners, my choice.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Caitlyn. Straightforward passive with an intricacy to pick up, long aa range, straightforward q, w and e are relatively straightforward with intricacies to learn, r is very straightforward.

I think it's her W that is the trap (I clearly don't play her a lot), but the placement of that is probally the hardest thing about her as a champion, but is still pretty simple to get the idea.

I feel her ult is too easily blocked though, possibly buff the dmg to make it more credible?
Maybe causing it to knock the first target back would be cool, and then causing damage to each person hit after?
Last edited by Zinx; May 9, 2014 at 08:29 PM. Reason: response to oracle
It's not the difficulty of mastery for why she's a good start, but because of the ease of play that she has. Think of it as a skill curve. Lower skill on caitlyn still has a high return because her skillset is well-rounded and forgiving, whereas equal skill except on vayne has a lower return because her skillset demands greater positioning and micro skills, and is thus less forgiving.

However, you do want a skill curve because you want to create a safe champion to learn mechanics that are applicable on other people. Caitlyn works on positioning through use of w and r, q and e can teach spell combos, but all those spells are sufficient when used in isoation from the other spells. Integration of those skills is the curve, but their base utility is the starting point. You want the safe base that provides to give the confidence and leniency necessary to start climbing the curve.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games

I'm so sad

Im on a 6 game losing streak.

About to get demoted.

My BP, which is usually like 72/56 is probably 160/120 right now. I can't even. I'm so beyond frustrated.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!