Favorite movies in no particular order:
- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
- Batman: The Dark Night
- Pulp Fiction
- KIll Bill vol. 1 & 2
- Pineapple Express
- Snatch
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Inglourious Bastards
- Scarface
- The Goodfellas

And yes I am a very big Quentin Tarantino fan
Ooh ooh, some of my very favorites are:

-Struck by lightning
-Green mile
-Ender's game

But not without

Hello Hunters,

Do you still remember Aeon? We apparently have an alliance since god knows when.
Just checking up if you guys still remember us, and if the Alliance still counts.

Best wishes, Aeon
Any alliances we've forged in the past are still valid, yes I recall playing with Aeon members a long while ago.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
Yeah Nice were on daily
just check :P

Haha, I guess I'll visit you from time to time
Hey everyone. I have totally forgot and abandoned this game... This kick out of Hunters is completely legit. (I feel a little bit sad, since I'm turning 17 y/o soon and I've started to play this game while I was only about 12 years old , I feel nostalgic about it.) Sometimes I just log into my first account to check my private messages, you can laugh all day... It has 1539 posts, mostly by spamming I think. (And by spamming I mean trying to buy/sell items. / Or triple posting in my first unofficial clan [Avatar]) Liquidoom was in that clan with me and he was just an ordinary guy with something like 100 posts.

Tried to sell my first flame:

"Ahh, i dont have where to bring static force..
Ahh i have posted pictures then not moving and not moving.. sorry.
EDITED now you can see how flame looks on moving."

I want to cry. My application.

Thank you all, It's been a great time. Good luck. ;)

P.S. If you will ever consider to quit this game, don't give away any of your items, you'll be sorry one day, I guarantee it. ;)
Last edited by Mccqa; Sep 7, 2014 at 04:17 PM.
Originally Posted by Pitch View Post
Haha, I guess I'll visit you from time to time

can I lurk you too? x)
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
I like Wreck it Ralph and animated movies pretty much.

who doesn't?
Originally Posted by Azure View Post
can I lurk you too? x)


@Mccqa: Copy/Paste that app or quote it in the application thread, it's kinda hard to post votes for an app that's a few pages away