Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Name: Jucyus
Age: 16
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
Past Clans: [-Zone] , [-Ele] , [-God] , [-cntry] (death clan) , [-Psycho] , [-Tv-Missle]
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): None
Bought QI?: 4186
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): None
Modes your good at: Judo , Aikido Big Dojo , Aikido , Taekkyon , wushu
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Marketing
Player Card:
About yourself: My name is Ryan Ghemos , i'm 16 years old , i live in Paris France , i'm in highschool of Jean François ,I live with my familly , i hazve 1sister and 2brother .
Why you want to join [eVo]: Evo is a great clan for me i think , so i want to be a part of it .
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?:Great Victory and Donation for the clan .

Jucyus : Please make your choice .
Originally Posted by DimeBag77 View Post
Name: Dimebag77
Age: 16
Belt: 5th Dan
Past Clans: War,Exil3, BlindFury, The Company, VnD_Corp.
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Dime77, Dimebag95, The5thHorseman, Bleux, Slayer1995
(They are never used)
Bought QI?: No never.. faegs....
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): Tripstone, OfCannibis
Modes your good at: Aikido mods
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Marketing our shop is VnD_Corporations
GMT: -6
Player Card: Below VV
About yourself: Im Dimebag77, I toke a' tha Ganj (hence the name) I'm a chill dude who likes a challenging Aikido match. I also enjoy things like marketing. When i'm not playing Toribash im either working, chillin with my friends or playin Xbox.
Why you want to join [eVo]: This clan has been around for a long time and is well structured. I rarely see people leave but yet so many want to join. I play matches with you guys every now and then and I always enjoy the matches. This is a clan that has roots and I want some of those roots, shit i'll smoke those roots.
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Some more activity i'm always playing and marketing on the forums, and just a supportive member who wants nothing but the beterment of the clan.

Nice app, indeed. I'd like to see you in the clan, aside from things said in the past.
[eVo] [BaKeD]
I used to get on optiumax and go in the clan tab and it will show the shit, then invite anyone/change ranks.