1 day ban? oh relax dude... shit happens... idk if aikido will kick ya or teague it depends on the offense... idk what u did and u donīt seen to want to talk about it...
Originally Posted by FakeAngel View Post
1 day ban? oh relax dude... shit happens... idk if aikido will kick ya or teague it depends on the offense... idk what u did and u donīt seen to want to talk about it...

I will pm one of them what I did if its required, but I won't post it, I don't want everybody to see.
kay just chill man everything will work out i dont think u will get kicked... sometimes we just screw up shit happens
one of the nice things about being in BG check =o I can find this stuff easy xD
Kingpin reppin 2151. Kingdomz Clan Leader and Proud Member. KINGDOMZ THE CLAN OF KINGZ <---- Dead clan but keepin siggy to remember it
Originally Posted by kingpin View Post
one of the nice things about being in BG check =o I can find this stuff easy xD

I doubt you can, unless your a moderator in the introduction subforum.
Originally Posted by TanithEliteBank View Post
So I'm banned now, I feel horrible about this, I've only had 2 infractions and now I'm banned, I screwed up big time, probably going to be kicked out of Uniteam now, the one thing I actually wanted to do on this forum, it made me feel like I had a place here. Now I don't know if I want to stay anymore, the whole time I was here I tried to help new members and now I can't anymore, I doubt that if I get kicked out that I'll ever be able to get back into Uniteam.

I explained to him what happened, but its obvious I can't be unbanned(ahead of time), since what I posted was waaay over the line/wrong. I get that now, but it won't help me at all. Even if they somehow let me stay in Uniteam after this I don't feel I'm cut out for the job after what I posted.

I never thought I'd screw up this bad, I should of remembered to keep my duties as a Uniteam member ahead of what I thought/felt I needed to say. I feel like I let everyone down by getting banned, I'm in Uniteam to set an example and I managed to set a pretty shit example of what a good member should be like.

I would post the thing I posted here but I can't I just don't want anyone to see it.

Anyways fellow clan members, what is the policy if a member is banned? will I be kicked?


You needn't worry about this matter. You won't be kicked for this, nor would anyone. A one day ban is hardly anything to worry about.
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