All you have to do is get good at farming under the tower and try keep the experience advantage, once you inevitably hit 6 before them ask for a jungler gank and make sure to focus the one that's a bigger priority or easier to gank. If you kill him or make him leave lane then it's a success. Dependent on how well you both did you could then choose to continue on and kill the other one or get back to farming.

That's just what I would do put in that predicament anyway, best thing you can do.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
All you have to do is get good at farming under the tower and try keep the experience advantage, once you inevitably hit 6 before them ask for a jungler gank and make sure to focus the one that's a bigger priority or easier to gank. If you kill him or make him leave lane then it's a success. Dependent on how well you both did you could then choose to continue on and kill the other one or get back to farming.

That's just what I would do put in that predicament anyway, best thing you can do.


Level 6 Jax + Level 5-6 jungle >>> 2 level 4-5 whatever's

It's a matter of patience and team communication. Just by not dying and having close farm, you'll be doing your team a service. If they have no jungle, and you do, your mid lane is like 1.5v1, your bottom lane is 2.5v2, and your top lane gets an EXP advantage.

Invest in pots as well
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post

Level 6 Jax + Level 5-6 jungle >>> 2 level 4-5 whatever's

It's a matter of patience and team communication. Just by not dying and having close farm, you'll be doing your team a service. If they have no jungle, and you do, your mid lane is like 1.5v1, your bottom lane is 2.5v2, and your top lane gets an EXP advantage.

Invest in pots as well

But DrHax, I dont know how to garden!

Also been playing with bots because after playing with higher level people, my level people just piss me off.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
But DrHax, I dont know how to garden!

Also been playing with bots because after playing with higher level people, my level people just piss me off.

If you can get to the point where you're legitimately better than them, you should be able to choose a champion that snowballs out of control. Jax can snowball if he gets out of control and he's one of your favorites, but since you're getting 2v1'd top, maybe learn mid lane. Carry your team
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Veigar, the Anti AP Carry AP Carry. Gotta love the little man.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Veigar, the Anti AP Carry AP Carry. Gotta love the little man.

Played a game as him, damn is he hard.
Set everything to smart cast, including all item slots. Clicking is wasting valuable time you could be using smashing the keyboard in a mad dash to get everything off in 1.5 seconds.

Set smart cast to range shown smart casting and practice e stuns with it until the circle is burned into your retinas. Then remove it because 360 no hud e stun all skill dubstep montage.

Practice not flailing on the keyboard when you land a stun and get used to dfg > w > r > q combo or dfg > q > w > r > q combo for the REALLY big fuckers.

Acquire Superb Villian Veigar skin, because the stache is legendary. Proceed to get ALL the bitches.

That is how you play veigar.

Oh ya, and farm with q all the time, because free chalice as passive and stack ap, fuck bitches.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
1.5 seconds? That's slow as hell, gotta be FASTER! FASTER!

Also, Oddone apparently retired. TSM have picked Amazing up from Copenhagen Wolves