Originally Posted by Lynx View Post
Veeery long time indeed :o
I guess you could say i'm fine, looking for a job at the moment so I don't have to feel the guilt of being stingy and asking for money off my parents, thing is i'm extremely fussy when it comes to jobs which I find is a really bad thing, so yeah, that's my current situation.

What have you been up to lately?

Oh that sounds like fun haha.
I have been managing a clan as of lately.
I am also looking for work right now.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post

Seems like you guys are busy alot of the time.

I'm everything but busy at the moment. Playing all current Metal Gear Solid parts simultaneously (Bought the first MGS some days ago, and now playing that as well as all other parts and Rising daily ). That's pretty much everything I do right now. I'm also trying to stay away from my PC since it somehow makes me think about a few (for me) quite annoying things. (Like how to get 3200€ as fast as possible, while I also have to do other things)

To be more precise, I want 3200 € so I can buy some music production stuff:

The stuff I need

And well, whenever I think about those things, it's like I'm in a thinking loop (Need things -> need money -> need job -> local job offers aren't good and not really worth the money I'd get from them -> "Fuck it" -> "Damn I really want those things!"; And yeah, that's how you can spend days thinking about the same stuff again and again >_>)
Humm hi guys if you see furryprints around can you please tell him to pm me with the pictures of the flames i ordered +Tell him I already sent him 265k
Originally Posted by -Demon View Post
Humm hi guys if you see furryprints around can you please tell him to pm me with the pictures of the flames i ordered +Tell him I already sent him 265k

I'll tell him once he comes online on skype ;)
Hey guys. We need a new discussion topic, I think. What's your favorite movie or the movie you have watched the most times? Been watching a lot of movies recently, unfortunately not a lot of them were very good. So I turn to you because I trust that your favorite movies can't be terrible xD

P.S: Also, 1TheV totally did not post here a week ago, since he has obviously long forgotten us and the great injustice we did him by doing what we said we would if he didn't obey the rules he agreed to follow when he joined us. Also he did not immediately delete that post like a coward that's afraid of the consequences of his actions. None of these things happened. Just letting you know
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
Hey guys. We need a new discussion topic, I think. What's your favorite movie or the movie you have watched the most times? Been watching a lot of movies recently, unfortunately not a lot of them were very good. So I turn to you because I trust that your favorite movies can't be terrible xD

Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead and the first two Alien movies are probably the movies I've seen the most times and also love the most
Princess Mononoke also is quite a great movie; most of Studio Ghibli's animes are awesome

Trailers for Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead

Last edited by Pitch; Aug 29, 2014 at 02:38 PM.
Favorite movie?

Definitely Lord of the rings trilogy.
Great story and acting, also the music, oh the music. Amazing.

I also like Saving private Ryan.

Favorite TV show is by far Breaking Bad.