Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
Bringing and organizing a TK ladder would encourage discrimination in terms of skill if the ladder would be sorted from the most skilled to the least skilled. As initially part of the members who first brought the Org together 3-4 years ago, it would drift away from the reason why the org was put up, that'd be "An organization that gathers Taekkyon enthusiasts all over the toribash community".

Well there's not much to talk about at this point so why not play and get better at it instead? Healthy competition is fun and such. But hey, the org has been so healthy these few recent years. I'm sorry for trying to ruin it with an active event. D;
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Maybe just a simple get together with all the members? Who says it has to be a competition.

Because a TK ladder and a TK get together are entirely different concepts.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
Because a TK ladder and a TK get together are entirely different concepts.

When did I say they were similiar? I am just suggesting an alternative.
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
When did I say they were similiar? I am just suggesting an alternative.

i'd actually prefer a tk get together, so after I get destroyed by someone who knows how to play defensive better than me, I can keep playing.