Endurance Onslaught 6.0
All good beta long as you keep in touch in some way.
Also I was thinking of having a revision on Team Aikido. Cause we aren't as active as we were back in the day. I'm not sure if its just that were getting old or our members just don't stop by as much. I myself haven't been to active but I'm back now. Not to much in game, but I will soon arrive in game once my computer arrives. The reason this idea came up to me is because at this exact moment I remember the good memories we use to have. This use to be a well known organization with great members (we still have those members), and flourished with activity. So I'm thinking of trying to bring that back, but how?
I'm back :)
We've talked about hosting an event, I think that would really be the best way to show that we're still here.
Kingsta makes TA servers ingame every now and then aswell.
We did talk about hosting an event but it was just me a zoro putting ideas across haha
Yeah ZeTo(fag) is right, whenever I have to time to go ingame I host a TA server and sit in there and play with people (Good&Bad) and suggest some to apply from time to time!

What has kind of demolished this clan is the tags infront of the clan tags, for example TA[Tint]Kingsta etc.. It used to give us a sense of respect ingame but it's not there anymore. So people have no real reason to join here unless they have a passion for Aikido and want to get along with us. Also alot of the old members have got older and become inactive.. Alot of our members (old) don't tend to go ingame, and the ones who are active have moderating jobs which keep them to busy to come ingame at all.

Team Aikido used to be soo cool back in the day without a doubt!
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Rofl, yeah, all happened a bit fast really

how was your trip?
also we managed to keep this place from exploding so go us

I wanna hear the story sometime. I'll catch you one day on IRC.
My trip was fun, actually. Made lots of "friends" who text me nonstop.
And managed to keep it from exploding? Thank god. It's still just a timebomb though.

Originally Posted by Sil View Post
Hey guys for my civics class I have to do a project. For the project I have to be a judge, any tips on what shall I do. Never been a judge before.

I don't think it's supposed to be that difficult. Just keep calling one side then the other one or something. And never let them object. Fuck objections.

Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
A judge, hmm. Whoever has the most money wins, yeah?

^ this

Originally Posted by Beta View Post
Sorry that I haven't posted here for a while Had some rl problems for the past week etc

No worries, happens to all of us. Take your time and stay in touch.

Originally Posted by Sil View Post
All good beta long as you keep in touch in some way.
Also I was thinking of having a revision on Team Aikido. Cause we aren't as active as we were back in the day. I'm not sure if its just that were getting old or our members just don't stop by as much. I myself haven't been to active but I'm back now. Not to much in game, but I will soon arrive in game once my computer arrives. The reason this idea came up to me is because at this exact moment I remember the good memories we use to have. This use to be a well known organization with great members (we still have those members), and flourished with activity. So I'm thinking of trying to bring that back, but how?

Well we've had activity checks and whatnot. I think we'll get more active again as summer rolls around, so we were talking about hosting a big event then.

Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
We've talked about hosting an event, I think that would really be the best way to show that we're still here.
Kingsta makes TA servers ingame every now and then aswell.

Me too \o/
My computer has been stupid lately. Like that time that you were ingame with me, ZeTo, it glitched and I couldn't type anything in any program for whatever reason. I haven't been getting ingame as much cuz of stupid things like that.

Originally Posted by Kingsta View Post
We did talk about hosting an event but it was just me a zoro putting ideas across haha
Yeah ZeTo(fag) is right, whenever I have to time to go ingame I host a TA server and sit in there and play with people (Good&Bad) and suggest some to apply from time to time!

What has kind of demolished this clan is the tags infront of the clan tags, for example TA[Tint]Kingsta etc.. It used to give us a sense of respect ingame but it's not there anymore. So people have no real reason to join here unless they have a passion for Aikido and want to get along with us. Also alot of the old members have got older and become inactive.. Alot of our members (old) don't tend to go ingame, and the ones who are active have moderating jobs which keep them to busy to come ingame at all.

Team Aikido used to be soo cool back in the day without a doubt!

Yeah I kinda miss the whole TA[i]Zoro deal. Does anyone know why that was taken out?
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I've been busy with other stuff. Also ZeTo, I think making a global TA server or event would be perfect! Also, would you guys dl and lp me to see a new really cool set I made? (Inspired by EyCoco)
The fuck is that guy^?

Also, i didn't read anything beside what sil says. I think we also need to step up the game on the applicants. Seem like it is getting to easy to get in etc.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin