Endurance Onslaught 6.0
If you pick Teemo in ranked as anything other than a counterpick, you really just set yourself up for failure against any competent player. Any half competent jungler will shut you down early, and any half competent top will counterpick teemo with one of several popular or in the meta champs that counter him: jax, renekton, shyv, rumble or ryze to name a few. Heck, even vlad counters him.

And if you play him mid, enjoy comparable range and hard cc, along with constant visits from jangle, to make you the saddest little puffball in existence.

He's a scrubterror. Annoying to deal with, but easily beatable if you know what you're doing.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
You apperently never see a good teemo. I won 7/1 ranked games with him.

just because you may be 7/1 with him in low bronze doesn't mean he is actually the best.

i agree with oracle, he's an okay champion but there are probably better picks and not hard to deal with if you have any idea of what to do vs him
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
You apperently never see a good teemo. I won 7/1 ranked games with him.

and i had a 15/0 record with the bastard in ranked, point being? (then again, i was ultra scrub and played ADC teemo likeabaws)
Cogratulations, you've played 8 games of ranked as him. Tell me more how this is a statistically significant sample.

Also, you're silver. I know a guy who's been in silver this entire season and is 20something to < 5 as his ranked stats for garen. Garen is still shit regardless of that score, he's a scrubterror. His skillset is easy to use with low risks involved, perfect against morons that can't even win with hardcounters. Teemo is the exact same. Once you start playing against anybody who knows what they're doing, that easy skill set becomes a hindrance because it's easy to work around and that low risk skillset scales worse than others as a balance compensation. You naturally lose past a certain gold value.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Cogratulations, you've played 8 games of ranked as him. Tell me more how this is a statistically significant sample.

Also, you're silver. I know a guy who's been in silver this entire season and is 20something to < 5 as his ranked stats for garen. Garen is still shit regardless of that score, he's a scrubterror. His skillset is easy to use with low risks involved, perfect against morons that can't even win with hardcounters. Teemo is the exact same. Once you start playing against anybody who knows what they're doing, that easy skill set becomes a hindrance because it's easy to work around and that low risk skillset scales worse than others as a balance compensation. You naturally lose past a certain gold value.

In the same way you can't say a champion is shit because you're 0-7 with them, you can't say a champion is great because you do well with them.

Now: Teemo has a place in this world. Obviously. I mean there are Challenger level players who will make him work in solo queue, but they probably have a large reason for choosing him when they do.

Oracle: y u no give me opinion about Kennen :c
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Cause I only played him back when he was a common mid and a cheese adc. He's still strong, but ap kennen requires not falling behind, as he needs a source of flat magic pen and survivability in his items.

It's entirely possible to use him top with mid raka and some sort of hard engage in jungle or support so you can rush the hourglass and rely on raka starfall mr shred as the pen and hard engage jungle or support to make up for raka's lack of initation.

And ad kennen was cheese and is still cheese. Entirely different playstyle, ult is defensive and w is priority. Nobody plays that anymore though.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games