yo fuck.

i'm back from Wellington (capital of New Zealand), won two national titles!
I know y'all probably don't give a shit but I met the coolest motherfuckers ever, will upload some clips and photos eventually.
These fuckers were singing the halo theme in their room at ~ 11pm in the hostel (my friend got a video, will upload), and we befriend them, one of them looks like Jake Paul, even. The next day after me and my group perform our Julius Caesar piece, after they've performed their King Lear, and after Prize Giving everyone in my group was at our hostel, these other fuckers walk in.
they T pose in the lobby and start humming

there's fucking 40 people in this cramped little lobby, 30 of them are T posing and humming the halo theme.
it probably sounds like a fake and gay story, but I swear theatre kids are so fucking eccentric.
hahaha, congrats on the halo performance you got and gj on winning that prize
will we get to see the material?
PM me with any and all questions

I feel kinda bad for the people who were trying to sleep, I upped the brightness so it's easier to see him in the window rofl.


anyone know the story of King Lear? Because these same dudes did a really fucking cool interpretation of it and I wanna talk about it with someone lol.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Jun 5, 2018 at 04:31 AM.
this chat is really dying lol
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
no u
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Maybe we could shitpost less here
I need movie recommendations, anything not stupid, preferably interesting horror shit or something well shot/well written
PM me with any and all questions