Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Bought 3 Move Quints and 9 attack speed marks to do some udyr jungle as I want to learn him properly as a Phoenix/Bear Max jungler. With Ferals o.o

tips to using his abilities properly?
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Got some statistics that my disagree with you on this, since I totally forgot to really give a good response to this.


Whatever you want to look into, Weekly or Monthly, players as bad as silver or as high as challenger, Miss Fortune is clearly one of the best ADCs for Solo Queue at the moment *not teams*. Or at the very very least- far from the worst. If you're looking at wins, I'm pretty sure Draven was the only ADC featured in that top 10 at all for that matter. I recognize challenger isn't a good sample size since there are so few, but Diamond sure as hell is.

Also, double IP weekend is awesome as all hell.

Wow Seriously?

You know LoLking doesn't have stats on the asian countries, right? I'll be convinced that a champion is good once the koreans pick up on it. So far, they seem to agree with my ideology of not touching mf with a 10 foot pole
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Bought 3 Move Quints and 9 attack speed marks to do some udyr jungle as I want to learn him properly as a Phoenix/Bear Max jungler. With Ferals o.o

tips to using his abilities properly?

As far as I'm concerned, honestly, tiger form for jungle is much stronger. Your level 2-4 ganks are just absolutely ridiculous, even when your laners don't follow up you can just destroy their laners.

As for general udyr tips, it's really just knowing when to keep your monkey's agility up and when to let it go so you can manage your mana. And that really just comes with playing him.

Early game - Stomp their faces with tons o' ganks

Mid game - Solo dragon around level 6-7, keep timers, and if you are ahead, continue ganking. If not, farm a bit, stack your feral flare.

Late game (if it gets here) - Build tanky in order to be a damage soak and just stun everyone in teamfights.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
You know LoLking doesn't have stats on the asian countries, right? I'll be convinced that a champion is good once the koreans pick up on it. So far, they seem to agree with my ideology of not touching mf with a 10 foot pole

Sorry, I don't really want to hear shit from someone that is paying $60 to get boosted to gold.
How about you play the game before you act like you know it (:
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
You know LoLking doesn't have stats on the asian countries, right? I'll be convinced that a champion is good once the koreans pick up on it. So far, they seem to agree with my ideology of not touching mf with a 10 foot pole

op.gg does though...

Highest Win Ratio, this week, Diamond level KOREAN players- Miss Fortune is in 1st place for ADCs, 9th overall, with a 54% win ratio. Draven being the next at position 16.

Highest Win Ratio last month, Diamond level players (since Oracle pointed out the challenger league is too small and thus too Volatile, and I don't want you saying "well that's just this week"):

MF- Position? 18, with a 53% win ratio. Amount of ADCs ahead of her in the ranking? 2.. Draven and Corki. So DIAMOND level KOREANS (because you're so fixated on race) are winning on MF solo queue more than they are with (in this order):

1) Ashe 21
2) Jinx 24
3) Twitch 30
4) Quinn 35
5) Varus 39
6) Sivir 41
7) Tristana 46
Caitlyn 50
9) Graves 53
10) Ezreal 75 <-- the first on the list with a negative win loss ratio
11 Kog'Maw 79
12) Vayne 95
13) Urgot, 118 (dead last)

So of ~17 ADCs, within DIAMOND level KOREAN play solo queue (gotta love your specifics), MF has been the 3rd most successful. One of the worst? I... I don't think you can say anything anywhere near that.


Lustboy, Korean, 8 days ago, 8-0 on MF, Diamond 1


Imp, Korean, earlier this month, 22-5 on MF, Challenger

and I don't understand why they have to be foreign... Are you saying EG knows less about LoL than you? I mean I just don't understand how you can talk so conclusively about a champion who statistically dominates in the region YOU belong to, in brackets above, at, and below the ones you belong to. Especially above...


YellowPete, NA (EG), 9 days ago, 16-1 on MF, Diamond 1...


MF is one of the strongest ADCs in solo queue period. If she isn't being picked in the LCS, it's more than likely because of:

A) LCS games play out NOTHING like solo queue games, and she doesn't fit in that very particular 0.0001% meta that nobody in the right mind should worry about. Especially someone in bronze, silver, gold, or plat.

b) LCS players aren't choosing her because her buffs are new and they need to use things they've practiced hundreds and thousands of times without much experimentation when big tournament wins are on the line.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Apr 26, 2014 at 09:19 AM.
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<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

KRISTIS WHAT?! You're Taylor Hill by any chance? :o

I didn't even receive the email despite my name appearing on the list, and it seems the same for a few other people too.

And thanks for the help Chaos, I guess I will recheck that and try go for Tiger Stance Udyr, my masteries are 21/0/9 and since udyr is normally a beefy stun tank I'm just following trick2gs Udyr since I know nothing about him xP
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
And thanks for the help Chaos, I guess I will recheck that and try go for Tiger Stance Udyr, my masteries are 21/0/9 since udyr is normally a beefy stun tank I'm just following trick2gs Udyr since I know nothing about him xP

Tiger has worse clear time than phoenix until you get more items, udyr's ganks are powerful because of bear stance stun and ms, not damage stances, and phoenix has better damage for most lane ganks because early mr is almost exclusive to mid lane, and phoenix has better base damages.

21/0/9 masteries are terrible. No offense to trick and all, but his masteries are far from optimal, and it's one of the reasons why people watch him, other than his shit talking (which creates toxicity I haven't seen since old doublelift shit talking). He's a good player, but I can't stand his posturing. Anyways, back to the masteries, udyr will get raped with no defensive masteries, as he has no gap closers other than running straight at you, no defensive moves except turtle or a minighost from bear, and poor scaling to justify aggressive masteries.

21/0/9 masteries is something I'd expect to see from an apc. I know trick loves his ms and being a carry jungle, but it's just stupid seeing other people try to emulate it. Trick's style of play requires a heavy snowball in the early to early mid game, yet people assume it just works every way because trick only uploads his stomps. He's good as a source of entertainment, but I wouldn't necessarily do what he does.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
21/0/9 masteries are terrible.

I ran 21/0/9 masteries on junglers before and I honeslty prefered them over 9/21/0 depending on if we already had huge tanks or not. With the new feral flare item I enjoy going 21/0/9 on many champs such as noc. I'm not high tiered though, so that may explain why I have lots of success with them

Also MF is really strong but lacks a decent escape, which makes me never pick her in Solo Q. Solo Q is also way different than LCS games. Lots of pros play a champ very well in Solo Q and never use it in the LCS.
Last edited by Liquidoom; Apr 26, 2014 at 03:20 PM.
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See, noc scales well enough that the 21 offensive masteries are useful. You can separate the trees into 3 different periods of the game: deep offensive gets better late game, deep defensive is good for early to mid game, deep utility is good for laning phase. Udyr doesn't scale into late game well, so deep offensive trees don't work well on him.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games