Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post


Just looking for new stuff to try, I stumbled upon a Tiger Strike top Udyr guide written by a 2400 or so rated player. I cannot even believe how strong it is. You can build for teamfight or for backdooring *like taking turrets with no minion assistance*, and it was just incredible how well it worked.

Did it in unranked, smoked out everyone but my team still lost. Brought it into ranked but it was a 4v5 since we all went toxic on an amumu who couldn't land a q into the ocean and actually full on whiffed an ultimate. But it has so much potential, and I don't even have more than 1 MS quint yet.

You might enjoy Trick2g's stream on twitch. He used to play udyr/voli a lot but I don't know if he still does.
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
You might enjoy Trick2g's stream on twitch. He used to play udyr/voli a lot but I don't know if he still does.

he only plays udyr and voli
Originally Posted by Daxx View Post
he only plays udyr and voli

Nasus and Rammus aswell the last times I watched his stream. He goes ham and it works for him so it's funny too.
I played my last ranked game JUST like he trick did in a D1 replay I watched with him that had some mild commentary.


Amumu was suppose to go annie but misclicked, so shaco is forced to jungle and I go top. At level 2, I firstblood riven top. Ever since that point, I get camped REALLY REALLY hard by J4 (really wish I had flash this game haha), so my amumu is free to free farm and free gank as he pleases other lanes. I go like 1-2 while riven is 2-2 and j4 is like 2-0. Doesn't matter, soon as J4 leaves I start zoning Riven, only initiating him on quick bear snaps after I've seen him use his combo, and I just freeze freeze freeze the lane. J4's camps matter a lot less now. J4 stops camping and I kill Riven with amumu, he says 1v1. I ignore him. TLR: Im up in CS to everyone but their ziggs who got a triple kill bot, i take top tower, and I just start backdooring and pushing everything. I didn't fight in ONE team fight all game long. I'd tell them to go take an objective or bait a defensive line (like baron or protect T2 mid), meanwhile I'd just nab shit. If they only invest 1 champion to stopping me, I killed him. If they invest more, my team would teamfight with a numbers advantage and I ran free.

Was so exhilarating to do exactly what the pro was talking about it, like he did it, have a negative score, and push through.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Ok, why the hell don't I see karma too much? I just played her for the first time in ranked, and god that was the best shit ever.

Almost plat!

And here's a little something for the damage.

<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Daxx View Post
because Q will provide more dps and E is mainly for utility

And the q damage increase it gives is a flat increase to the base damage and a slight decrease to the cd, considering you won't b once before 6, so you should only have a dorans by 6, meaning the as decrease to q's cd is virtually unnoticeable until you get more items.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
because you can only use it once every 10 seconds on the same person and it's useless in an all-in whereas Q isn't?

And there's no reason to all in a full health person as yasuo in lane unless you get a lucky crit, or you have backup. Lane yasuo should just be q first melee minion, cs normally until q back up, e through minion, q during dash to hit wave and champ, aa champ, dash through champ, aa champ, dash through minion wave to creep line. The last part is the safe way to end the harass, as it lets you reaction whirlwind should a gank come, or the opponent wants to fight, so you can disengage. Or if you don't back off, q will be up shortly and you can use whirlwind for the finish. Most of yasuo's damage is still in his autos, q is a slight supplement, but it's mainly utility as a source of knockup and aoe damage. Both of which just result in pushing the lane, a terrible decision for a person with almost no escapes. And q doesn't get much of a cd reduction from leveling, most of it comes from as items, so why level it when it can't benefit from your items?

E allows for a much more successful lane, as you should never miss cs, the cd allows for very quick harass (cd goes down every level from .5sec to .1, which shaves basically a second off of a simple e q e harass, when you use a ee q e q ee combo that's a good 1.6 sec not spent in travel) and everyone builds armor to counter yasuo, so the magc damage it deals will keep the majority of your harass damage intact.

In addition, e's use is harder to successfully use in teamfights, so the skilling order of q>e results in only power spikes from items. A skill order of e>q allows greater power spikes in lane, and the natural power spikes from items. E is most effective when you have a minion line to work with. You will not have a good one in the mid game, and it will be virtually non-existant in the late game. It makes no sense to skill it second when it loses most of it's utility by the time it's maxed.

nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I never miss cs anyways, and it isn't really a bright idea to wait till level 12 to max your dps skill.

Yasuo is a great lane bully if played correctly against most squishy mids, it isn't about just getting a lucky crit as against squishy mids any sort of sustained damage is painful. E's best use in my opinion is solely for mobility in lane and positioning and repositioning in teamfights.

Do I want to E someone once for ~260 damage every 10 seconds or do I want to Q someone every time they're in range and make them miss cs + potentially kill them by just being there. E is only good if you're trying to avoid being pushed out of lane, it isn't good if you want to be aggressive in lane.

Q is better for zoning and harassing.
E is an entirely aggressive skill. It's not an escape unless you're in front of the enemy creep line, in which case what the literal fuck are you doing there? Q's range is only comparable to ranged harass every third q, which is inconsistent at best, pushing the lane as well at worst. Until then, your best way to harass has always been to use the minion wave against them. Rather than wait for my third q, I can initiate harass whever I want just by e through melee, e through caster, aa champ, e champ, aa champ, e caster out, e melee out. After doing that a couple times, there mere threat of me dashing through one melee minion is enough to start them backing up. Naturally, this pushes the lane, but it leaves me with an escape with the third q up whenever I combo it, safely behind my minions if I don't. It's the best balance of safety and consistency.

And the theory that you will trade damage over time better is ridiculous because they have the range advantage. You either all in and risk aa dependency vs. cc spells + aa, or you back off and take hits from retreat. The longer you spend retreating, the more damage you take, and you won't win all ins before you get some items. E maximizes damage in the shortest time, and allows faster retreats for less retreat damage. Melee champs in mid almost never win early trades unless they're mobile, solely because of the range advantage.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Idk, I play Yasuo really aggressively and tend to do very well.

I can't think of a single ranged champion bar maybe leblanc that could push me out of lane.