err no....

try this

color map


Basically bumpmaps (or normal maps in this case) follow this formula:

Bumping along the Z normal (or away from the sphere in this case) is handled by the BLUE value of the pixel
Bumping along the X normal (or along the latitudes, clockwise) is handled by the RED value of the pixel
Bumping along the Y normal (or along the longitude, upwards) is handled by the GREEN value of the pixel

as opposed to the method as shown by stupinator, which only bumps along the Z normal, it being black and white...

If i remember theres a plugin in gimp for painting normal maps

ok i'll need a filter for that >.<
Searching for it now, thanks avwave!

Ok i got it

Can you give me a shot of how these would look?
Wait, i'll pm them to you

I hope i used it right

I used Sobel 3x3 as the setting
Last edited by DarkJak; Mar 15, 2009 at 01:58 AM.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Wait wait avwave, so to put it simply: Blue makes it bend inwards, Red outwards, and Green upwards (though you don't use it much) correct?

Thanks for the awesomeness looks like you used the same texture for the biceps, triceps and hands. Same goes for thighs and legs.
The eyes are a little too close.

Other than that, I like it. Just try to make it..not so repetitive.
Originally Posted by Daxx666 View Post
my most recent set,

woo a new style!

Masks are ftw ^_^

yeah what he said. Eyes are too close for me but that's not hard to fix.
And new textures for the triceps and shins.

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Just kinda wanted the set done, biceps/triceps are the same, but not the hands. The guy who wanted this set, was a bit off with the colors xD.