Endurance Onslaught 6.0
You guys need to transform your frag into a victory. You can be fuckcuntton/0/0 and still lose, and you shouldn't blame your team

Taking all the kills as top and leaving your adc sucking his fingers ain't gonna work
Brazil! - Aether - [DT]
She's far from the weakest. Urgot still sits high and pretty on the worst win rate adc by a long shot and worst win rate champion with high frequency. He's routinely in high 30% to low 40% win rates.

MF is actually a lot more powerful right now. I wouldn't rule her as S tier adc, but she's probably at least comparable to Cait as an A tier adc, just different slightly in how she gets placed there. Her passive is incredible, allowing her to avoid a lot of engages by the enemy if she has a good read on them, and she can miss much less cs because of it, or roam more often. And her impure shots buff is amazing. Seriously, that damage racks up fast. Really fucking fast. And poor mobility champs can be defended with the right supports, like Morgana and Thresh, who are capable of saving their adc from bad positioning.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
2 on top lane with no jungle

If it's 2v1, at your level of play, all you want to do is protect your turret, leach as much experience as you can, and ask for some ganks. So long as you don't lose your turret too early or die to them, you and your team will have a level advantage, so your jungle can come and gank for you and you'll have the advantage.

More than likely, they'll push to your turret a lot, so you can secure creep kills under your turret, AND you'll be able to gank them easier because they'll be balls deep in your lane, probably so far that even if they have a ward at the bush they can't react at time.

Needless to say: they will have an overall disadvantage. If your jungle can gank bot and mid all he wants without having to worry about their jungle, all your other lanes SHOULD be able to win.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
She's far from the weakest. Urgot still sits high and pretty on the worst win rate adc by a long shot and worst win rate champion with high frequency. He's routinely in high 30% to low 40% win rates.

MF is actually a lot more powerful right now. I wouldn't rule her as S tier adc, but she's probably at least comparable to Cait as an A tier adc, just different slightly in how she gets placed there. Her passive is incredible, allowing her to avoid a lot of engages by the enemy if she has a good read on them, and she can miss much less cs because of it, or roam more often. And her impure shots buff is amazing. Seriously, that damage racks up fast. Really fucking fast. And poor mobility champs can be defended with the right supports, like Morgana and Thresh, who are capable of saving their adc from bad positioning.

Urgot shouldn't even count as a champion anymore.

As for the ADC tier list:
No, jinx is not god tier, whoever made this list is stupid. If she was god tier, the koreans would actually play her. She's really strong, but she's also easy to shut down in theory. Draven on the other hand is very tough to shut down and he scales really well into lategame if built correctly. His passive is very useful for getting even further ahead and pressing one's advantage. He isn't that bad at fighting from behind either. Miss Fortune isn't even a good ADC as far as i'm concerned. She has literally nothing to contribute to a team other than damage. She's the bad version of graves imho(with even less utility.)

As for the list's tier 1:
Caitlyn: She's too strong to be a tier below MF, although she doesn't quite belong in the highest tier. She's a great lane bully and one of the better AD carries out there.

Sivir: Not as strong in the meta right now considering her tanky buddies got nerfed. Her ult is a great tool, but her kit feels lacking. She's great at not being bullied out of lane and controlling teamfights(which requires a particularly intelligent ADC player), but she isn't anything special right now.

what the fuck am I even doing, Fiora is a "top lane god" on this list, need I say anything?
You're an adc. Your role is dealing constant late game damage while having a kit that helps you survive/deal damage. You really shouldn't expect an adc to contribute in more than that. Jinx offers huge amounts of damage from the beginning of a game to the end, while still managing to be slippery. Mf doesn't have that slipperiness except for the passive, so she balances that out by having even more burst damage (that is guaranteed, not skillshot reliant), making her a threat against whoever tries to jump on her face. Almost exactly the same goes for draven.

Catelyn does not have the burst the others have, so she balances that out by staying safe behind almost any ally or caster minion and still dishing out everything she has. She is not better than the carries mentioned earlier, she is however comparable to them.

And please don't check if a champion is good or not by seeing if koreans play him/her. If I were to base my champion pool off the koreans, I would hardly play 20 champions if not less.

And urgot is an underestimated champion, unless you're playing as an adc. I still have yet to comprehend why people consider him an adc, when he does much (MUCH) better as a solo laner.

Players can make every champion work, it's just a matter of how difficult it is to do so. Instead of looking at tier lists and arguing if they're correct or not, find your own playstyle/skill level and make a tier list of your own.
Last edited by EJM; Apr 16, 2014 at 12:32 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

He's considered an adc because that was his role when he was ban worthy (good ol' season 2). Urgot soraka lane too stonk.

And this isn't a competitive tier list, this is a solo tier list. Tier lists change on whether it's against a team or against a group of randoms.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
In normal games, tanky Urgot is actually pretty good.

Achievement Unlocked: Solo Baron w/ Jungle Annie

Last edited by SparChar; Apr 16, 2014 at 03:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Climbing myself outta bronze. Thought its about time I start ranking it up again. I am now bronze 2 from bronze 4 in 2 days.
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
And urgot is an underestimated champion, unless you're playing as an adc. I still have yet to comprehend why people consider him an adc, when he does much (MUCH) better as a solo laner.

Considering that I have zero knowledge about current solo/competitive meta;

Urgot's toplane matchups are/were horrible. He lacks mobility and waveclear to actually survive in most top matchups.

If opponent has any kind of reliable gapcloser pre 6, you're toast.

But you are right about Urgot not being an traditional ADC, he's more of an ANTI-ADC. Sadly he was nerfed and can't reliably really shut down most botlane matchups anymore.

He still has/had few favorable matchups, mostly in midlane (due to blue buff), but there he fails to bring enough utility/map pressure to table, if compared to "better" midlaners.

So, he kinda works as a counter pick, but the team comps he actually fits are rare. He might work in 2 vs 1 lane, but those are (or at least used to be) also quite rare sight...
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Is Jinx really worth getting because personally I never liked her, but I can see how strong she is. And I main adc in ranked and I failed the last promo series since the screen cap but jumped back into it and I'm thinking about getting her because of the W. She has such a far reach and rewards good aiming when using her W, kinda one of the reasons I loved Ezreal so much as an adc.

Also thanks Coca, the code worked!